I was just as serious about a pay day as the next man, but when this nigga was a primary suspect in invading peaceful grounds, a war began to brew within me.

And if I didn't know peace in my headspace, he wouldn't know it either until I laid him to rest in a casket.

Word on the street was that he frequented a few places in Harlem, whether it be an attempt to strike a deal with Branson— a dealer from around the way— or to enjoy the luxuries of the thriving subculture.

I staked out a few places, only catching sight of him in traffic.

I'd nearly passed him up, spotting him by chance as I cruised past a green light. He'd just gotten out of his vehicle, stepping onto the sidewalk before reaching for the passenger door.

I pulled over, whispering gratuitous statements as I found a parking spot, not too far ahead of Maceo. I figured I'd end up having to circle the block on the search for an opening, but I was more than thankful that I didn't.

I watched him in my side-view mirror, holding the hand of a woman that wasn't Crystal as he assisted her out of the passenger side.

I shook my head with a smirk. He was lucky he had a broad with him. Otherwise, I'd withdraw the gun in my vehicle and hold him hostage in his own Jeep.

The couple kissed and ventured into one of the storefronts. They'd probably take a while, especially if this was a matter of shopping or eating.

So, I waited.

I circled the block, taking better parking spaces once they opened up. It became a fun waiting game, getting closer and closer to what would soon be slain prey.

It reminded me of those animal documentaries that I'd always end up watching, at Nova's crib.

Maceo wasn't nothin' but a gazelle, you know? At the most, he was a hyena. Either way, I was a lion, anticipating the perfect moment to strike.

I plotted on various ways to sneak up, all while watching this nigga sit right in the storefront window with this woman.

I scoffed at the thought of such arrogance. You on the top of a lion's menu, and you got the audacity to graze right in front me? The nigga had nerve— I'll give him that.

I debated briefly on the possibility of having brought Will. His energy would've been helpful, if Maceo wasn't shakin' this shorty any time soon. Maybe he'd distract her or some shit while I peel Mace's wig.

I shrugged the thought off, deciding not to dwell on hypotheticals.

I'd just trail him until his date was dropped off. Once he was alone, the target on his back would be narrowed without any extra eyes or casualties.

Just as I was watching the couple stand from their seats in the window, my pager beeped obnoxiously.

It was my uncle. I checked the time, finding that it was nearly an hour after I was supposed to have returned to Brooklyn.

I clenched my jaw, wondering if I'd be able to just pop this nigga real quick and be on my way.

With the streets becoming busier with average joe's returning home from work, it made witnesses more abundant. Not to mention, the traffic would make a speedy escape an unsuccessful one.

Mace got lucky, yo. I don't know who the fuck was lookin' out for that nigga, but he got lucky.

I returned to Brooklyn, my time spent in Harlem going without notice, as far as I was concerned.

Upon reporting to my uncle, I was questioned on my whereabouts, and why I was much, much later than usual.

With nonchalance, I turned in my usual duffle bag of goodies and once again, laid out the events of my morning as well as my suspicion that Maceo was the culprit.

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