Because I hadn't quite reached an unstoppable level of rage yet, I figured that Ishaan would be a safer bet in terms of rational thinking.

He asked some pretty good questions. Questions that were leading me into a whirlwind of suspicions.

"Yo, Tone. I understand, man, but sometimes, the snake that bites ain't always the most obvious one. You know?"

I didn't trust him to know what the fuck he was talking about, especially since he wasn't actively in the streets.

But his next question triggered an unprecedented spiral into wariness.

"Think about it. How would that nigga even know where you live?"


Ishaan kept talking me off the ledge without knowing that I was on to another height, at this point.

I didn't want to do anymore talking, and I surely didn't want to sit around, looking at how fucked up my crib was.

Besides, there was work to be done.

I hopped in my car and drove toward Aim's spot. I used my car phone to touch bases with Nova, clueing her in on what's happened.

What began as a recap of events ended as an unrelenting rant. It was a cause for concern to her, especially since I'd begun "talking crazy."

"Yo, all I'm sayin' is that there was a code that was broken, and niggas need to pay," I shrugged.

"I'm not sayin' that you're wrong, Tone. I just don't want you rollin' up on somebody and doin' somethin' that could keep you from seeing your son for the rest of his life. You feel me?"

"Who said I was gonna' do all'at?"

"I know you, Tony. You don't say anything. You just do it."

"I just wanna' say a few words to the nigga, a'ight?" I explained while briefly riding the brake of my car. I was pulling up to Aim's place.

"A few words for what? What do you think is gonna' come of that, Tone?"

"Yo, look. I gotta' go. I'll talk to you later," I parked.


"I'll talk to you later, a'ight?" I repeated.

With a kiss of her teeth, she hung up the phone. I did the same before making my way into my uncle's place of business.

I picked up my usual tasks, but not without questions of Will's whereabouts. I shrugged, detailing that today just wasn't a good day to have him.

Besides, with all the childish bickering we've been doin' lately— it was best if we had some space. We were startin' to sound like Cris and Ishaan in this motherfucka'.

I made my rounds in Brooklyn, having little to no issues with most of the dealers.

It was a good change of pace.

It's been about two years since I started taking Will on runs with me, and doing so alone, reminded me of those times when I was still a one-man army.

Soon enough, I was in Queens. While making exchanges, it became compulsory to ask about Maceo's whereabouts.

Where was he? Where he be at? All'at shit.

My quest led me to Harlem.

It felt like I couldn't get there fast enough, with grunt work still having to be done, and traffic picking up as the hours passed.

Finishing early on tasks that would probably take longer if Will was here, I used my spare time to travel past Aim's and head straight for Harlem.

Sky's The Limitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن