Batman coughed which in turn made us stop talking for a bit

"Batsy tell your bird to give me the money he owes me" I said 

Batman just raised an eyebrow at me. I couldnt tell if he was asking why or if he was mad because I called him batsy and the only one that calls him that is Joker

"Wow, you really went there. You know the only person who calls him that is Joker" Rob said smirking

"Speaking of the Joker, he and the injustice are back again. You guys are to go and stop what ever they are doing while me and the league go and stop the light. I suggest leaving the Joker to Robin, since he is the only one here that has gone up against him before. I will send where they are, make sure that they are stopped and then come back here"

With that Batman sent the location and then left. We all went to the bio ship and got ready for the mission. When we got there Joke, Ivy, Count vertigo, Black atom, Ultra-humanite, Atomic brain, Wotan were standing there. Ivy was distorying things with her vines while the other were watching

"Oh look the mini league is here. This will be fun"  Count vertigo

"You will not get away with this" Aqualad said 

"Oh really... well I think we will hahaha, are you ready for round two boy wonder" Joker laughed 

Then the fighting began. At first we were doing good but then the tables turned when Harley and some of their goons showed up. We were now losing, the justice league came and helped us since the light escaped them

----time skip cause I cant write fighting----

We were now winning, half of the injustice were down while the other half were about to be down. Some of us were still standing and fighting although I could tell that the rest of us were getting tired and were about to pass out. Robin and Bats were still going like they got 8 hours of sleep in between the fighting, dont ask me how that is even possible

Since most of the injustice were down they decided to retreat and regroup. We were going to go after them but all of us were pretty tired, I could barley stand. Artemis was close to being unconscious. Barry was low on energy like me. Aqualad, Megan, and MM got knocked out when they set fire to the plants. Everyone else were trying to stay upright, well everyone but Robin and Batman. They were still fighting Joker and Harley off in the distance, some how they got separated from the group but we could still see them

Suddenly Batman got hit in the head by Harleys hammer, taking him down but somehow not knocked out. Robin was still fighting, I wanted to go help but I could barely get up which was the same for everyone else. As I was trying to find the strength to get up Joker did something that horrified me

He stabbed Robin right through the chest, and twisted the knife. I could see the pain, fear, and sadness in Robins face. Joker pulled the knife out and Robin fell to the ground, but before he hit the ground Batman was there to catch him. Joker and Harley ran away

"No, NO!" I screamed 

I got up and tried to run to him but Conner stopped me and held me back. I know he did it because if I went over there I would be the way of Batman stopping Robin from dying but that doesnt mean I liked it. I fought against Conner trying to get free

"LET ME GO!! Conner let me go now, let me go" I screamed 

Conner only held me tighter. I continued to hit him which did nothing 

"ROBIN!! Let me go. I...have to... ROBIN" I cried out

I watched as Robin turned to me. He started to say something, which only made me cry more and try to get out of Conners grip more. Then Robin stopped moving... Dick stopped breathing, I started to ball. Conner pulled me into his chest, my knees buckled under me pulling me and Conner down to the ground

"Why....Why was...wasnt I fast enough" I cried out

Dick, My best friend of 5 years, boyfriend of 2 years, is now dead. How could this happen, we were won everyone else ran away why couldnt Joker and Harley run with them. Why couldnt I be faster and have more energy, if I did then he wouldnt be in Batmans arms not breathing. Hes to young to die, why him, he was the most cheerful kid I knew and now I wont be able to hear his laugh anymore or even hear him talk

"Hey Kid, its going to be ok" Conner whispered to me

I cried even more, cause how is it supposed to be ok now. My boyfriend just died in front of me and I couldnt do anything to stop it.  I dont know how anything will be ok without him there cracking jokes and making every one happy even when it was the most stressful mission

I got to the point that I had no more tears to cry, I couldnt feel anything its like the world around me just went away. I felt numb, like a robot just going through the motions of everything. I dont rememebr getting up and going back to the mountain. Or going back home to Uncle Barrys house and going to my room

"Hey Walls..... I know its hard but you have to eat something" Barry said 

I just stayed there laying on my bed. I didnt want to move, I dont know how to move. I felt someone sit on my bed but I didnt look to see who it was, its most likely Barry

"You dont have to eat right now....just eventually" 

Barry rubbed my back to let me know he was there for me. He got up starting to leave but before he could walk away I grabbed his hand. I dont want him to leave, if he does then I might not ever be ok again. Barry sat back down and hugged me, we stayed like that for a long time niether of us talking. at some point I feel alseep

---time skip---

Its been a year since Dick died. Within that time I took a break from the team, im still on that break. Every time I went there it reminded me of him and I couldnt handle that, of course the team understood and didnt fight me on it. I still talk to them but I dont see them that often

Life has been going at a slow rate to me, usually it would be moving has fast as I move when I run but now its going so slow. I went through a depressed stage, I still have depression but I guess to everyone else im getting better, I dont know if I actually am but if they say I am I guess I am then

I dont think I will ever be ok again, ever be truly happy again without him here. All I can think of is the last thing he said to me

"I do owe you, love you KF" 


I hope you liked this I know it was sad but you gotta have a sad one in there somewhere

Also I dont know who else watched these shows but I just found out that I can watch Lolirock and Horseland on amazon prime. I have been looking for a place to watch at least Lolirock and now I have found it. So now on top of the 10 different anime's Im watching on 2 different streaming things, I will also be watching these two show

I hope someone knows at least one of the shows that I just listed, they are both really good in my opinion

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and this while book so far

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