How to deal with negative peer pressure

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Peer pressure is a big deal for everyone. Even if you work hard to fight it, you may find yourself giving into pressures from friends or classmates. You might go along with just about anything to avoid being labeled a "loser" or "scared-y cat." Those names may be no fun, but giving in to peer pressure means turning away from your own identity in favor of someone else's

 Some examples of negative peer pressure are:

Needing to dress or act a certain way.Cheating or copying someone else's work or letting others copy your work.Not including certain people in social activities.Taking dangerous risks when driving ect.'

When you give in to negative peer pressure, you often feel guilty or disappointed with yourself for acting in a way that goes against your beliefs or values. So it's always important that you - 

Prevent this situations by keeping a close eye on who you surround yourself with, Ask yourself are these the type of friends my parents would like?

Recognize when you are being pressured, ask yourself does this go against my beliefs and values, if it does this means you are being pressured into something or someone you don't want

Resist when being pressured, say NO with boldness and confidence. Sometimes its best just to walk away from the area.

You will know when something doesn't feel right. Even if your friend might feel okay about the situation, it might not be okay for you. Be strong and do what is right for you.Your friends will respect your choices, and those that don't respect your decisions are people you don't want to have in your life to begin with.

Choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with friends who have similar interests, principles, and standards as you. These friends are less likely to put you into compromising situations and will stand beside you if you both end up being pressured by peers.Having friends you can count on allows you to do other fun things if you have to walk away from peer pressure situations.

Support your friends. Be the person who helps stand up when a friend is in a situation they might find difficult.

You are strong, just believe in yourself!

Stay Amazing

~ ♡Amy

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