• Chapter 9 •

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After last night I just went to sleep, today's my birthday unfortunately, i'm not looking forward to it, I got up and changed into some jeans and a hoodie I got from Lyle, I was going to change for the party later. I curled my hair and did my makeup and once I finished I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and seen my dad standing there.

Y/n/d: oh look it's the birthday girl

Y/n: yeah

Y/n/m: happy birthday, are you doing anything today

Y/n: me and the boys are going birthday shopping since it's me and Erik's birthday

Y/n/m: well have fun

I walked out the door and over to the Menendezs', I knocked on the door and Erik answered, " Happy birthday " he said as her gave me a hug, Lyle was coming down the stairs as Erik pulled away, He then hugged me also.

Lyle: the birthday twins

Kitty walked in from the living room with Jose behind her

Kitty: oh yes happy birthday y/n

Jose: and thank you for making sure our boys stay out of trouble we know they can be a handful

Y/n: I don't mind, they are my two favorite people

Jose gave a fake smile and walked into the den.

Kitty: see you guys later at the party

Me,Lyle, and Erik walked out to Erik's car and got in, Me in the back, Lyle passenger, Erik driving.

Erik: where do you guys wanna go

Lyle: what about the diner on 7th

Y/n: I could definitely go for a milkshake

Erik: anything for the birthday girl

Y/n: it's your birthday too yk

Erik: i've never really worried about my birthday and like I said i'm not stealing your spotlight

Y/n: Erik it's both of our birthdays so I don't care who gets the spotlight

He quickly changed the subject

Erik: I heard you before you left y/n's yesterday

Lyle: what do you mean

Y/n: Erik no

Erik: " iLl caLL yOu LaTeR bEaUtiFuL "

Lyle laughed, " Don't be jealous galen "

Erik: i'm not joseph

Y/n: this is funny watching you two fight over me

Erik: well he should know i'm not jealous

Y/n: you guys are suppose to share

Lyle: wait- who's dancing with you tonight

Y/n: no one

Erik: what do you mean

Y/n: I don't dance

Lyle: right sure

We pulled into the parking lot and got out, we walked inside and sat in a booth. We all ordered and talked a little, this girl came in and sat beside Lyle.

Lyle: what do you want Mia

Mia: I want you back

Lyle: I already told you i'm not interested

Y/n: Lyle told me all about your nasty self go along somewhere else

She slapped Lyle across the face and got up to leave

Mia: don't even think about coming back to me Lyle

Lyle: believe me I won't

She walked out of the diner

Erik: why did you ever date her

Lyle: I don't know honestly

Erik: she is one crazy girl

Y/n: Lyle is your face okay

Erik: wouldn't want to hurt his pretty face

We all laughed together, " so funny but your the one always worried about your hair " Lyle said

Erik: do we wanna talk about your hair

Lyle: Erik no no no

Y/n: what about his hair

Erik: he-

Lyle reached over the table and covered his mouth, " nothing he said ". Erik licked his hand to make him take it off.

Lyle: ew your nasty

Erik: Lyle wears a hair piece

Y/n: he what-

Lyle got up and looked at Erik, " I hate you " and he walked out to the car

Y/n: Erik he doesn't hate you

Erik: yes he does

Y/n: come with me

We got up and I walked outside to the car.
This cliffhanger is amazing even tho it's obvious um 😀

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