• Chapter 1 •

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Our car pulled up to this big beautiful house, I wasn't surprised by the size. I hate that my family has wealth. We parked in the circled driveway, I got out of the back seat and grabbed my bags. I walked into the house and went straight to my room. I was putting my clothes away and noticed a noise so I went out on my balcony and seen two boys playing tennis next door.

Y/n: HI
I yelled from the balcony and a tall boy with black hair looked over and waved.

Lyle: hi, i'm lyle and this is my brother Erik

Erik shyly waved at me and then looked back down. They ran out of the tennis court to their driveway, I went downstairs out to my driveway and they met me there.

Lyle: I heard we were getting neighbors but I didn't hear we were getting an angel from heaven

I blushed as Lyle shook my hand, Erik standing behind him. I could usually figure people out but staring at him he looked like he was hiding something. I grabbed Erik's hand and shook it.

He cleared his throat and said " hi, i'm Erik " and smiled at me.

Y/n Thoughts:
Boyyyy they are both so attractive but they probably have girlfriends.
End of Thoughts

Lyle: so your dad is Mr.Taylor, he's been doing business with our father. and your supposed to come over for dinner right ?

I was too busy staring at him and just said " yeah I think so " and he snapped his hand in front of me " hey earth to y/n ". " huh " i answered.

Erik: you kinda zoned out

Y/n: sorry i'm just tired

I knew I was lying but there was just something about these boys. Lyle spoke up again, " you play tennis right ? ". " yes actually " I said, Lyle and Erik looked at each other and smirked, " i'm sure we could beat you " Erik said.

I laughed, " haha in your dreams pretty boy ". " is that a bet " Lyle said, " maybe it is but wait here " I said and ran inside.

Lyle POV:

I watched her run away and I looked at Erik, " i call dibs " Erik sighed, " that's not even fair and she looks my age " he said. " she's so pretty and she plays tennis bro ", Erik glared at me, " and what about dad ? ". I took a deep breath " yeah yeah " I said as Y/n came back.

Y/n POV:

I ran inside and changed into my tennis skirt and shoes, I told my dad I was playing tennis with the Menendez boys and he didn't even mind me, I ran outside and I heard Erik say something about his dad but I pushed it off.

Y/n: ready to get beat ?

Lyle looked at me, " ask yourself that " as he ran to the tennis court, me and Erik following behind.


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