Chapter 5 - The Date

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    I was cut off by Akaashis mouth meeting mine. His  lips brushed mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale and breathe.I felt  the warmth of his skin, and the taste of his chapstick lingered far after he had gone.

    Akaashi: "Bokuto, I've told you that you shouldn't doubt yourself so much. Of course you're enough, and you're perfectly fine the way you are, I love you for you, no one's perfect."
    Bokuto: "thank you kaashi, i'm really grateful for you"

As the ferris wheel slowed and reached the bottom we got off and headed to the car to drop off Akaashi.

                ***Akaashis POV***
The next morning all I could feel was Pure Agony.  I was in my heat. My heats are almost 5x worse than normal Heats not to mention that a was marked which meant it was even worse than that. I needed Bokuto. I needed him to end this.That morning i had taken bokuto's shirt which still smelt like him and the plushie that had a faint aroma of him still from last night.

Akaashi: "KENMAAAAA"

After a minute or two Kenma  walked into my room

Akaashi: "KEnmaaa I need you to call bokuto."
Kenma : "Lemme guess your heat?"
Akaashi: "Yea I need him here now~"
    Kenma: "I'll call kuroo to tell him"
Akaashi: "Ok.."
Kenma: "Kuroo said that Bokuto is at Volleyball practice with atsumu and sakusa."
    Akaashi: "Ughhhh. Fuckkkk... Kenma, I'm gonna die."
Kenma: "Just call and ask for him to come and miss some of practice"
Akaashi: "Nonono.. He likes practice and i wouldn't want him to come here just to deal with me

Of course i would want to call bokuto but it would be weird calling him when im just about screaming from pain right now. I had gotten up to go to the kitchen to get some snacks when Iwaizumi and Oikawa had come out from the living room and had

Oikawa: "Oh god Akaashi are you ok"
Akaashi: "Does it Fucking LOOK like im ok"

That ended up to come out as a bit of a snarl and then the pain came back and i had bent over with my hands on my knees trying to not scream

Iwaizumi: "Geez for being quite you sure have an attitude"
    Akaashi: "The FUCK did you JUST SAY"
                ***Outside POV***
    Iwaizumi: "I thought that omega heats aren't that bad"
Oikawa: "Well some aren't but for others like akaashi there cause excruciating pain and that was before Bokuto marked him as his mate, now it's like 10x worse than normal. The amount of pain that he's in right now feels as if something is pretty much stabbing him in the stomach and insides being ripped out.
    Iwaizumi: "Oh shit"
    Akaashi: "Yea so I would appreciate it if you left me alone today"

With that akaashi left the room. 
Iwaizumi: "Man for looking so calm and pacific, when hes like this he's like a badass"
Oikawa: "Yea he's got some sass whenever it's just us or he's like this, he can be a Real badbitch sometimes too"

About a half an hour Kuroo came over to see kenma and see how Akaashi is. Akaashi was in the kitchen looking for more food when kuroo came.

    Kuroo: "Man Akaashi you look bad"
    Akaashi: "Bitch Shut the fuck up"
    Kuroo: "Ok thenn"

Kuroos thoughts "Man he must have some bad heats if he's like this on the first day"
    As Kuroo was about to head to Kenmas room But as Akaashis heat got worse He had grabbed the counter so hard the his whole hand was white. Akaashi wanted so badly to scream his head off but didnt want to disturb anyone of course.


Kuroo: "Hey akaashi, You ok"
    Akaashi: "Yea, Yea im fi-ne"
Kuroo: "You don't sound or look fine dude, you should really get bokuto down here"
     Akaashi: "No, No no it's fine I don't wanna disturb him."
Kuroo: "I don't think you could ever disturb him with something as important as this"
    Akaashi: "You know what fine fi-fine Call him"
    Kuroo: "Alrighty"

After Kuroo called Bokuto, Bokuto Came over almost instantly
    Bokuto: "Akaashi!, Why didn't you call me earlier!"
Akaashi: "I-i didn't want to bother y-you when yo-you were in practice"
Bokuto: "You still should have called I don't want you to be in this much pain all day"
Akaashi: "I-i sorry Bokuto.."
Bokuto: "Its ok akaashi lets get you to the bedroom so you can rest"

                ***Bokuto POV***
As I layed in bed trying to comfort akaashi I kept seeing Him in pain and I wanted to end his suffering.

Akaashi: "b-bokuto... I- I can't do this anymore..I want you to end it... Please~"
Bokuto: "Are you sure Akaashi?- i mean you know-"
Akaashi: "I know Bokuto I-i just need this to stop-"

***One Hour later after they did the Nasty***
    (Once again I aint even gonna try to explain it lmao)

Akaashi: "Thank you so much i'm not sure how much longer i could have gone with the pain"
Bokuto: "No problem i'm always here to help and don't be afraid to ask for help"
Bokuto: "Oh um By the way this is kinda awkward to ask but my parents want to meet you Family for thanksgiving"
    Akaashi: "Oh sure that's fine"
Though I am kinda scared to meet his brothers not gonna lie, Before Akaashi had talked about how his brothers were quite sceptical about him with alphas like about how his roommates boyfriends come over or when he was still with his ex.

    The next morning I made akaashi breakfast before I left and I made sure he was covered in blankets before I left.


            (3 days later the day before thanksgiving)
The Morning when me and Suga were about to go get  some food for thanksgiving when suddenly I had the urge to throw up.

Akaashi: "S-suga wait here i'll b-be right back"

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and I could hear suga running behind me. Finally I reached the bathroom and I threw up.


Suga: "Omg Akaashi are you ok?"
Akaashi: "Yea yea im fine i think it's just a minor stomach flu"
Suga: "O-oh ok just make sure if it happens again to go tell me"

A while later I had felt much better. There's this tradition that we all have  whenever ever were all here and there's no boyfriends over is that we all have to wear skirts, in a school girl uniform and watch something like Mean girl, sleepover, clueless, highschool musical, girl next door, anything like that and drink smoothies. Of course this was made by Oikawa no doubt. Well it was one of those days and I was wearing a white short school girl shirt in a Pastel green, light plaid shirt with a white tie.
    As we were all getting ready with suga and kenma picking the movie and oikawa and tsumu making the smoothies the door rang and I went to answer it.

    Kuroo: "Hey is kenma here?"
    Akaashi: "Why are you here?"
    Kuroo: "Woah didn't expect you to be the kind to wear a skirt"
Akaashi: "Yeah yeah whatever, KENMA YOUR ASS BOYFRIEND IS HERE!"
Kuroo: "Wow Rude.."
Kenma: "What do you want kuroo"
Kuroo: "D-do you wanna go on a date?"
Kenma: "Oh u-uhm sure? Why couldn't you just text me that?"
Kuroo: "Because this ones gonna be special!"
Kenma: "o-oh uhm okk"
Kuroo: "Well anyway do like any of your guys boyfriends know you do this?"
Oikawa: "NO!"
Suga: "Nope"
Atsumu: "Yea No"
Akaashi: "Absolutely not!"
Kuroo: ".. Wow.." He said with an astonished gasp"

Akaashi: "Kuroo I need to talk to you for a sec"
Kuroo: "Is this about bokuto?"
Akaashi: "Kinda.."
Kuroo: "O-oh okay"
Akaashi: "I'll be right back you can start it!"

We stepped out of the house and into the driveway.
    Kuroo: "So what do ya need?"
    Akaashi: "Are you-.. Planning on proposing to Kenma?"
    Kuroo: "Wha-whatttt Nooooo"
    Akaashi: " . . ." *Dead Stare*
Kuroo: "Ok ok fine yes I am but Please don't say anything please I will keep any secret for you!"
Akaashi: "**  ********"

His  Scent |Bokuaka OmegaVerse| AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن