What if?

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(This chapter will contain rape scenes and BDSM, please advise.)
My head was throbbing and every nerve in my body was on high alert. What the fuck happened?
"Don't let anyone know where we are or I'll kill both of you." A deep voice echoed through the room I was in.  Everything felt cold and smelled like death. The only sound I could hear was  metal clanging every time I moved. Was I  chained up to something? I tried to move my arms and I felt the sting of cold metal hit my skin. Oh shit. I couldn't see since it was pitch black. "Pl..ease...someone.."
"He is awake." Someone had to be near because it sounded close. Too close for comfort to be honest.
"Go get them. We need to test him now that he is awake."

Test me!?
Soon enough I had two arms holding me back as I felt a horrible sting into my veins.

I had lost my voice after screaming from the abnormal amount of needles getting shoved into my arms and legs. "STOP!!! PLEASE."

"Open the door." I heard a loud bang as light entered the room. A tall male walked in and engulfed the light with his body. It was less blinding than before. "Seems our friend is awake."
His buddies had stopped poking me and left the room. Thank God.

"I'm..not..your..friend." I started coughing again.

"I'm sure son. Well today is the day we have some serious fun." 

The male took a key from his pocket and unlocked the chains from the wall. "Bring him to the lab...naked." 

"Wait!! NO!!! PLEASE!!!!" I struggled against the other two that started to pick me up. The clothes that were on me, soon were ripped off. I never felt so cold as I was now exposed to random people. They had no decency for me and it did nothing but pissing me off. The light struck my eyes as we left the room. It was like my eyes were caught on fire, how bright do they need those damn things. They carried me down the hallways into a slightly warmer room. Eventually the light fixed on my eyes and I could open them farther. "Where am I?"

"My laboratory dear boy.  This is where you'll be spending the next few weeks." 

"Weeks?...Why? I don't even know you! What makes you think you can just kidnap me!"

"No, you don't. But you soon will. You see, an old dear friend of ours is back in town, and set his eyes on a sweet boy like you. He is about to be king from what I've heard and obviously we can't have that so we will strike what he loves the most and destroy it. You know him right."


"So you do know him. Good. Now you must understand that we have to kill you so we are ensured of his doom."

"Please....I don't want this.."

"I know but it's the only way to ensure he doesn't get to be king."

The man walked closer to me and grabbed ahold of my face. "What a cute boy. It's quite sad to see this go to waste."

"At least tell me your name!"

"So you can use it against me, I don't think so."

He shoved me against a metal table and snapped his fingers for his friends to strap me down against my will. "Please...stop! I'll do anything just please don't hurt me!"

"Sorry son but no can do. Wyatt! Get in here!"

Wyatt strutted into the room wearing tight black skinny jeans, a chain hanging from it. A red sweatshirt that hung just below the hips. He had a few facial piercings and black curly hair. He rolled his eyes went the man called for him. (Wyatt Yuri, 23, Bi. He is half human and half phoenix)

 He is half human and half phoenix)

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