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TAKAHASHI JUN WAS ON THE GROUND. The boy was also holding something to his face; eating something held within his two bare hands.

With Parker's chest caved in into a dark cavity, Charlie Scott had no other option than to be absolutely alarmed.

"JUN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"  The blonde yells as he rushes to grab the other boy's wrists, forcing him to stop whatever the hell that he was doing.

Crouching by the kneeling Takahashi, Charlie's grip tighten as he repeated his question right back at the boy in front of him.

"Jun, what the fuck are you doing?" Without yelling this time, but just as stern.

A flash of bloodstained pearly whites, Takahashi couldn't hold back his laughter at Charles. It was definitely not the response the blondie asked for.

Charlie loosened his grip to only slap him hard across the face, with Jun's head turning to his right on impact. But that didn't seem to wipe that bloody grin off of his face at all.

Two hands, fingers wrapping around the back of Charlie's neck. Jun pulled Charlie in for a kiss, his fingers leaving behind red hand prints all around starting from his nape, staining his jawbone as well.

That was perhaps the first time Charlie pushed Takahashi right off him. A violent push; a hard thump of the boy's back and scalp against the wooden floor. Charlie retracted almost immediately from his position.

The flavour of blood and a human heart, the blonde boy couldn't spit that disgusting taste off his lips. Takahashi had gone absolutely insane was the first thought Charlie had looking at the boy lying before him. The frustration, the confusion, the somewhat anger were all boiling up to Charlie's chest. Takahashi doesn't seem to be giving him any answers.

Two hands, once more, but curled to a fist. They held tightly onto Takahashi's shirt, as Charlie pulled up the other boy's upper half from the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing to Parker?"

Eyes piercing into the boy before him, but Jun was nowhere afraid of that gaze.

"Isn't he for me in the first place?" The dark haired boy inches himself up slightly, holding onto Charlie's wrists.

Those dark colored eyes reflecting against Charlie's blue ones, it gave the same gusto that the blondie projected. Without breaking eye contact, Takahashi pulled himself nearer to Charlie's face.

"Come on, don't be mad." His voice; a gentle mezzo piano, playing into Charlie's ears like Clair de Lune.

Sending his back hitting the ground one more, Charlie shoves Jun as he let go of the fabrics of the boy's shirt. Jun breaks his own fall a little with his elbow, while the other looked like he had his brain absolutely fried. His hand was stuck holding his head under his hair.

For a second, words were struggling to form in the blonde boy's head. Nothing made sense anymore, looking at things didn't help either.

"Why---what are you----how are we going to bring Parker back now?" The hand in his hair slowly descended to cover his eyes, as they began to tear up uncontrollably. Never had Charlie ever felt like crying this bad, those crocodile tears of his finally evolved into something more real.

It was perhaps the stress that had built up at that moment that had cause those waterworks running down the blonde boy's face, or even perhaps from the shock of seeing Takahashi eat a human heart like an apple. The cause doesn't particularly matter at this point, as answers were probably the only thing Charlie needed the most.

"We're not, so don't worry about it." Jun replies as he brushes himself off, a little too casually for Charlie's liking.

"Then you made me kill that girl, FOR WHAT?" Charlie finally swung the hand covering eyes off his face, as he shouted at Jun, tears still running uncontrollably.

"It's for you, don't you trust me?"

Charlie hated this. He hated all of this. Hated the fact that he trusted him; hated the fact that a part of him almost trusted him again.

"Fuck off with that, won't you? What's your motive?" Charlie's frustration had grew into defensiveness, as he tried to stop his tears from getting in the way.

Warily, the blonde haired boy inches over to get a knife from the metal table. The corpse of Parker Moreau wasn't his focus anymore, it was to make the boy before him into a corpse as well. That said boy didn't flinch at any of Charlie's moves, as his head turned; his gaze following him move towards the table.

"You're interesting, Charles. Maybe that's what I love about you."

"You're insane." the blonde retorted, pointing the knife at Jun.

Takahashi walks nearer to Charlie, who became more serious each step the boy took closer to him.

"Is that what you loved about me?" Jun got close enough to which the knife Charlie held was the only barrier between the two, as he pushed himself a little bit to have the blade pierce him just a little bit in the abdomen.

"I'll fucking kill you."

"Be my guest."

If looks could kill, Jun would be dead in that instant. Good thing in that moment, being dead might not be an option for Takahashi. However it might be for someone else.

A moment of deja vu, pale hands wrapping around the blondie's. A force exerted not from Charlie plunged a knife into Takahashi. Jun's tight grip didn't allow Charlie to let go of the knife just yet, as he pushed the blade even deeper into his own skin.

Of course ol' Charles put up a fight, pulling his hands back out from Jun's clasps. Leaving the knife handle still poking out of the pale boy's tummy. 

Shocked, Charlie stepped back from where he stood; away from Jun, who's expression painted the likes of one who is unaffected. Something was seriously wrong with the boy in front of him; the boy who yanked the knife out of his own body barely flinching.

"You really suck at this, baby." Jun wipes off the blood on the blade with his pant leg, as if it wasn't stained red enough from getting stabbed.

"But I'd still love you. Doesn't that make me a fantastic lover?"

The shiny blade, sharpened a day prior. It mirrored back Charlie standing near the door frame. He saw himself in it. And of course, he didn't intend to be next.

There was no need to think anymore. There was only a need to run; to hide, away from the demon before him. The escape route was easy, far easier than what Moreau had to go through.

But guess it's too bad the poor thing's reflexes weren't fast enough to match that child's play of an escape route. Neither was it as fast as the knife lunged into the back of his head when he was just about to touch the doorknob of the back door.

A loud thud, the sound of Charlie Scott's head hitting against the heavy wooden door. Falling, down and down to the ground; to the pool of his own blood.

His hand still loosely reaching for the silver doorknob above him, Takahashi Jun was definitely not letting him leave just yet.

.  .  .

A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

idk what has gotten into me but i'm determined to finish this by tonight. please be patient with me. i love you guys.

1 more chapter(?) and an epilogue left!

lots of baseless motivation,


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