"Real cool Talia" he laughs

"What's your Instagram? Let me follow you all" I smile as I take out my phone

I follow Talia and then I follow the rest of the guys

I notice as I go onto Harry's profile that he is already following me

I don't know if that was as of recently or if he has been following me for a while

Anyways I hit the follow back button before I make my way back to him and hand him his drink

"Thank you" he says smiling as he takes his drink out of my hand

The more he drinks the more he comes out of his shell

The night goes on and everyone is laughing and joking

Harry is talking more and he's genuinely hilarious

Before we know it most of the others have gone back to their apartments as they live in different buildings to us

it's just me, freezy, cal and Harry

"Right well I'm knackered now I'm off to bed" freezy says as he says goodbye to us and heads off to his  room

"I actually have a Christmas rap song out do you want to hear it? It's called naughty list" cal says getting his phone out

"Oh god no cal she doesn't want to hear that shit" Harry says as he throws his head back

"Shush" I say to Harry laughing

"Yeah go on then" I say to cal as I sip the last of my drink

"Alright" he says before he starts playing it

"That's actually quite good" I laugh

"His disstrack on jj tho!" Cal exclaims

"Disstrack?" I ask as I tilt my head

Cal starts to play Harry's disstrack on Jj and I instantly see Harry try hide

I'm laughing at some of the digs he is making in the song

"You have to sing this with us to wind JJ up" cal says laughing

"Can you please stop playing it now?" Harry squirms

"Awww look he's embarrassed" I joke as I nudge him

"Also I must tell you that Harry is addic-" cal starts before Harry cuts him off jumping off the couch

"Right okay let's end it there shall we" he says chuckling nervously

I give cal a confused look and he just smiles as if he is almost laughing

"I best get going" I say realising it's 1am

"It was lovely meeting you and the rest" I say to cal

"Likewise" he smiles back as he heads off to his room

"I'll walk you back" Harry insists as he places his drink on a side table and follows me out

We walk down the corridor and he stop by the lift

I give him a confused look

"Oh come on you can't always take the stairs" he chuckles as he presses the button to open it

"No Harry I-" I say before he pulls me into the lift with him

"Fuck" I exclaim as the doors close and I look around the lift

"You're fine, plus it's only one floor we are going down" he laughs as he shakes his head

"Hmmm" I say unconvinced as I fold my arms

The doors quickly open and I jump out so quick it's unreal

"See it wasn't that bad" he says smiling

"It was awful" I say sighing

"You're alive aren't you?" He asks chuckling away to himself

"Not the point" I say as we arrive outside my apartment door

"Number 13 got it" he says reading the number on my door

"Stalker" I say as I turn my key to open the door

"Hardly" he scoffs

"Anyways goodnight Harry" I smile sincerely

"Goodnight Nylah" he nods before he turns to walk away

I close my door and head into my bathroom to wash my face and do my teeth

I get into some short pjs when I hear a light knock on my apartment door

"Nylah" I hear someone whisper through the door

"Harry?" I ask before I slowly open the door

"The apartment door locked behind me and the lads are asleep and I can't get in" he explains as he rubs his eyes

"Kick the door down" I suggest

"It's nice that you think I can but I don't want to break the door" he smiles as he looks to the ground

I don't say anything I just sigh and open my door fully and he walks in

"Don't mind the mess I still need to unpack and decorate"  I explain as I point to all the boxes before I close the door

"The couch is quite big and if you pull the seat up I have blankets and stuff inside it so make yourself comfy" I say as I lead him into the living room

"Thank you" he says sincerely

"No problem" I smile before I head into my room to go asleep

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