Day eleven

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Saturday, March 27
831-0047 st.
Day eleven

The way I'm going about these letters is actually wrong in a sense. It's technically day thirteen, but it's been eleven days since I've started writing the letters. I wonder how much longer this will go on for? I would go to the store, but I don't know if that's considered stealing. I know I said yesterday that I would go pick up more food since I'm almost out, but I'm just scared. What if everything goes back to normal right as I'm walking out with the stuff? What if I get in trouble for stealing somehow and my mom finds out? What if things never go back to the way they were? I don't really know why this is happening and I don't know if I ever will, but if someone came up to me right now with the complete explanation, I don't think I would want them to tell me. I don't know. Are you still super smart? You always got such good grades, contrary to how you acted with everyone. It was always weird watching you study or take a test. Like, one minute your goofing around and being dumb and the next it's like your in a completely different universe. You look so concentrated and serious, and then right after you go back to your usual self. I wonder, you always seemed so cheerful, I wonder if there was ever something going through your head that you didn't show on your face? I'd like to think you told me if anything was ever wrong, since we both know Bokuto isn't always the best when it comes to comforting people and even though Akaashi always told you that you were welcome to vent to him, you never wanted to 'cause it just "felt wrong," you would talk to me about it, but with someone who's seemingly good at hiding when they're upset, it's hard to tell. I always made sure to tell you.


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