Day five

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Sunday, March 21                                                                                                                       
831-0047 st.
Day five

I went to your house today. I figured, if my mail was going somewhere than it's most likely going to where it's addressed, but when I arrived I found nothing. I couldn't bring myself to even walk up to the door. When I came home, I found a bunch more paper in front of my door in a package which was awesome. I was running low, and probably would have resorted to having to write these on napkins, or my Kung Fu Panda CD cases...

That wasn't funny.

Who am I kidding. I didn't go there to find my letters, I went there to see if you were really gone. You don't know how much it hurt seeing that place. I mean really, how can you live there every day knowing that's the same house where we first met, where we went after school on Thursdays cause' that's when your mom got off of work early, where I tried wasabi for the first time and started puking so bad it came out of my nose while you just stood beside me, laughing your ass off, where you helped me dye my hair because I got in a fight with someone and they told me it looked dumb how it was, how can you live remembering those things every day, knowing you'll never get any of it back? ... I didn't pick up any pie, I was too busy keeping my head down carful not to look at the path that we used to take to school that I missed the convenience store. I'll get some some other time.


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