Meet 46194 (1)

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Kat's POV

I'm the first one up as usual. I've never been able to get a whole lot of sleep for years. I tie my dirty blonde hair into my signature low messy bun. I walk out fully dressed and ready to start the day. I head to the kitchen to start on breakfast for everyone.

I kneel down to grab the pans and place them on the stove. I then make my way across the kitchen and get the waffle irons. I set them on the counter beside the stove. Then I quickly grab all the ingredients and ingredients for waffles and the sausages.

I reach over and plug in the waffle irons so they can heat up. I reach up to the cabinets above and grab a bowl. I whisk together the ingredients and pour some of the batter into each of the waffle irons.

I turn on the stove and place the butter into the pans. After a minute I start grilling the sausages.


I carefully open the waffle irons and place the warm waffles on a plate with a spatula. As I pour more batter into the irons I hear a voice behind me say,

"Oh, I see you are cooking again," I turn around and see Mom smiling at me.

"Yep," I respond calmly with a small smile. Mom approaches me and starts flipping the sausages. I was kind of wishing she would leave but my luck is just horrible. I don't want to cook with the person that sends children off to their death.

I never attempt to get close to anyone. I don't want someone I care about to be sent off to their death. But, sometimes you can't help it.


"Aubrey, I'll miss you so much!" I cry out hugging my best friend.

"Make sure to write me lots of letters. I'll be all alone without you,"

Aubrey had many friends, me included. However, she was the only friend I was able to make. Even though she is six years older than me we were always close. She taught me how to draw and bake!

"Time to go, Aubrey," mom told her.

"Bye, everyone! I'll miss you all" she announces with a smile.


Aubrey turns around and heads out the door following mama. I walk to my room and plop down onto my bed tiredly. We played a lot today to make the most of Aubrey's last day. I even made her a present.

Oh no, I forgot to give her the drawing!

Should I go and give it to her now.

I get up and go to the window. I stand on tippy toes and look out at the gate.

The light is still on. If I leave now I can make it!

I leave the room and sneakily make my way to the front door. I slip on my shoes and head out. I run as fast as I can toward the gate, the nighttime summer breeze blowing against me.

I reach the gate and walk in. I spot a truck as make my way toward it. Maybe she's in there. I slowly pull make the curtain and to my horror, I see Aubrey, her body lying there with a bright red flower in her chest.

I back away slowly.

How did this happen?

She wasn't gone that long.

Does mom know about this?

She's too young to die. She's only 12.

Suddenly I heard something approaching. I quickly hide under the truck. Two large creatures with strange-looking masks approach the truck. One of them picks up Aubrey, her libs dangling and dropping her in a jar.

They start talking about stuff that doesn't make sense.

A farm?


Are we just made to be food?

Is mom selling us as food?

Just raising us to be human cattle?

Then mom walks in and starts talking to the demons. I take it as my chance to get out of here. I run straight back home. I want to scream but no noise is coming out. Tears are pouring down my face.

Once I reach the house I use my sleep to wipe my face and head inside. I quickly get changed and enter my room. I collapse onto my bed and curl up under the covers. I silently sob until I drift off to sleep.


I walk into a dimly lit room with a large table in the center of it. On the table lay a platter with a dead Aubrey on it. Suddenly more platters appeared on the table each with a different kid on it.

Ray, Emma, Norman, Don, Gilda, Anna, Nat, and others like they are prepared for a feast.

Then demons appear and start eating the kids in front of them. I bolt out the door but the floor disappears and I start falling.

I sit up straight panting, my face stained with tears. I look around and realize I'm back in the house.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ray asks me. He comes over to my bed and gives me a hug.

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare,"


I kept getting these nightmares for a little more than a week, Ray there comforting me every time.

I felt as if I could trust him so I considered him as my friend. Well at least until something happened.

"Mom, I would like to make a deal," Ray stated.

-Flashback end-


We all make our way outside and I immediately go into the forest. I climb up a tree with my book in one hand. I sit up on the tree, my back leaning on one of the branches going upwards. I would normally sit at the tree closer to the house, but I wanted to be alone today.

Ray always sits at that tree and I didn't really want to be by him today. Even after six years I sometimes still get nightmares. Whenever I get them, I remember when Ray used to comfort me.

Back when we were friends. Back when I could trust him. But there is none you can really trust. People just leave once you find yourself close to them.

My eyes start watering cause my vision to blur. I blink and those tears come rolling down my face. I just sit there silently crying constantly wiping away my tears.


"I'm going to work hard, even after I leave," Conny starts,

"I'll be okay. I have Little Bunny with me. Did you know that there is only one Little Bunny in the world? Mom made it only for me. It's my treasure. I'm slow. And I wasn't as good at the tests as everyone else. But when I'm an adult, I want to be a mother just like mom. And I'm never going to leave my child!"

Poor Conny had a whole speech prepared. I swear I'm going to start crying.

About 10 minutes later hear Emma yelling,


I peek into the room and she was holding Little Bunny.

"What should I do?" she asked.

"But Conny's already gone," Gilda stated.

"Maybe not," Ray walked into the dining hall saying.

Soon after Emma and Norman head out to the gate.

So your actually telling them, huh. Are you planning on escaping? I didn't think you would be the one to plan an escape. 

That just leaves me with one question,

Are you really one to be trusted?

What do you guys think of the first chapter? I'm actually pretty proud of it. Let me know if I made any mistakes so I can fix them :) Thank you for reading!


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