Chapter 70: Nationals part 3

Start from the beginning

"She's out with Fran I can get her" Holly gives a small smile "Let you all have your moments"

"You're a grandma too" Rachel sits up some "Or did you not hear the Holiday?"

"So that was really after me?" The girls nod and Holly has tears "Thank you! I don't deserve that but thank you!"

"Be lucky you got a name sake" I turn a playfully raised eyebrow toward Rachel "I expect the next one to have Shelby in the name somehow"

"Maybe it could have Daniella in the middle name or first" I glare at Santana as I hear everyone else gasp "Nana Alice has a big mouth sometimes"

"Remind me to kill her" I look at the baby in my arms "I'm gonna hand you to mamaw Holly while I get your sister!"

I slowly hand her over to Holly and go back to the waiting room. I stop past a machine and get a drink. I'll have to remember the location for the room. When I get to the waiting room I'm stopped.

"Is she ok?!"
"Are the babies alive?!"
"Are they as adorable I thought they would be?!"

"Everyone sit back!" Finn walks up and everyone pouts "Can you answer the second one though?"

"They are alive and well!" A relieved sigh is let out by the group "I came to get Amelia and after a bit longer the grandmas will go in as we come out! After grandmas it's Emma and Fran! I'll ask about finn and then you pick who's after!"

"Thank you" I nod at Finn "I can just go back with any of them though"

"Rachel will probably prefer you alone with them" he nods and I turn toward Fran "Can I get Amelia?"

Fran nods and walks over to me. I get Amelia and walk back to the room. One I return I'm pushed out for drinks. I make a joke and laugh to the machine.

As I wait for the machine I think about everything that just happened. I'm a grandma for sure now. Sure it hit with Amelia but it's really hitting now. I have three grandkids!

"From what I read you're Rachel's mom?" I turn confused toward a doctor "I delivered your grandkids"

"Thank you" He nods but doesn't smile "What's wrong?"

"You should know we would like to keep them over night...the trophy gives away you were here for a competition?" I nod and he goes on "I assume you all will be heading back tomorrow but I can't let her out for a few days"

"I'll discuss with them who'll be staying and going" he nods and finally smiles "I'm a grandma"

"To two very healthy and beautiful baby girls" He chuckles "I remember my first day being a grandparent...hold onto the moments ok? They grow up before you know it"

"Gramps!" A younger guy runs over in a white coat "Leave the patients alone! I'm sure she wants to get back to her family"

"Like I said" The doctor smiles as he looks at the boy "They grow up so fast"

He boy smiles and puts his arm around the old man. I smile as they walk away together. I hope I have that kind of relationship with my kids. It'd be amazing to be his age and still be like that.

I finally get all the drinks and head back to the room. Time to spend time wisely.

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
The moms and grandparents have come in already. Currently Santana and Lucy are out in the waiting room. I asked for a small time alone with Finn. Just to finally fully talk.

"Hello?" I look as he fully walks in "Hey Rachel"

"Wanna hold one?" He nods and slowly walks over "Junipers in my right"

He slowly picks her up with a smile "She looks perfect" he looks down at Judith "They both look perfect"

"I couldn't agree more" I smile and look up at him "We never have fully had a good conversation"

"I wanna be apart of their lives at least as a uncle" Finn walks over to the closest chair and sits "I don't wanna be a dad because I don't wanna mess up anything you and your great fiancés didn't have them because of me either"

"But I wouldn't have them at all without that night" he nods and I give him a small smile "You can be in their lives Finn"

"I met a girl at the academy" he looks up with a big smile "She's such a great girl! She wants a family eventually and..and she loves to sing and dance! She's also such a badass!"

"Sounds like you've fallen for her" He nods and we share some happy silence "You're going to do great things Finn"

"Thank you" Finn looks down at the baby in his arms "This is my little miss perfect just like her think I'll ever make any more?"

"In my eyes no" He frowns and I go on "But I'm your eyes and with who ever you end up with...yeah I think you'll make more perfect babies"

He chuckles "Thanks" Juniper grabs his finger and he breaks out into a big smile "I'm gonna want pictures sent to me as they get older"

"I expect letters in return" He nods and i look down at Judith "You were my best boyfriend ever in all honesty Finn"

"You were my best girlfriend ever in high school Rachel" We share a look of happiness "I'll come home and see you all in New York ok?"

"You better" I sniffle say tears fall "Cause I'll have Santana kick your ass if you don't"

"I'll find you for sure" We both look up to see a watery eyed Santana and Lucy "We didn't want to intrude but Noah said you two had to leave soon and wanted to see the babies"

"I wanna see my nieces!" We all laugh as Noah comes in and smiles "They look perfect! Now where is the lady killer?"

"She's not going to be a lady killer" I nod my head toward Finn "She's with him though"

Noah walks over and the two argue about holding Juniper. I laugh with my fiancés as we watch. This feels nice honestly. Feels absolutely perfect.

I look to see Lucy brought Amelia in too. Our little family is all together. In our own little happy bubble. It really is perfect.

"Happy day of birth Juniper and Judith" I let Judith grab my finger as she sleeps "Welcome to the world"

I don't think anything can top this day.

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