31st October 2020

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Subject: A close call

From: Ruth Alade

To: You

Date: 31st October 2020

I'm still shivering as I write this. Despite all that's happened, it seems that once again, Oscar saved my life. This morning I woke up, fully clothed and soaking wet lying on the beach. I woke up to Oscar tugging at me. I have no idea how I got to the beach. I guess I must have sleepwalked or something. It must be all of this solitude; it must be messing with my head. All I remember is curling up with a book and a cup of cocoa. I was exhausted after a week of deadlines. I guess that the exhaustion, combined with my mental state, must have triggered the sleepwalking. Well, I'm just grateful that Oscar was there; I don't know where I'd be without him.

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