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Three Years after Kim graduated High School breaking off with Ron and moving to college and temporally settling in her hometown Middleton, Colorado traveling the world to fight off evil with her manager, Wade, always notifying her of danger until she one day received a life changing offer to work with the Correctional Justice League (CJL)

May 10th, 2010

(Flashback: 1 Month Ago)

         "You're not serious...? Right?" Kim said as she stood up from the chair looking in disbelief. "Kim, we're dealing with this network of criminals, all with expensive and high-tech equipment." "I don't care!" She let out. "You can't possibly justify fighting evil with evil!" Chief Nord calmed her down. "Listen alright? We've mapped it through and we believe that the only Go left is Shego." "No way! What about Hego? Or even Mego? What about them they're sure to help!" Kim brought up Shego's brothers, Team Go,  as they have been a solid ally to the CJL for a while. "Yes, we looked into that, they're not available for this. They have they're own missions. We tried reaching out! We cannot afford to have them off they're own tasks or they'll be crime rates higher than ever!" "Alright, but it doesn't make sense. What is she going to do for us? How do we trust her? She's never going to agree!" Kim sat back down in her chair open to listen to any possible good outcomes of this ridiculous proposal. With her hand under her jaw giving a open face to her chief expecting him to explain. "You see, Shego is our perfect solution to this mess." He goes on. "Her powers will be our biggest weapon in this mission."  "Our equipment and agents can only do so much." "And what is she exactly going to do?" Kim continues to ask. Chief continues, "Her powers are hotter than normal heat found in fire or lava." He opens a drawer under his desk. Pulling out a large stack of reports. Kim turns her head in curiosity. The chief points to his research papers. "Her powers have a blend of heat and plasma. Our scientist are continuing to find more about the effects and pull potential of the power. We can use them to create unlimited amounts of weapons, even herself." "Okay okay, I get the power part, but what do you mean herself?" Kim listens closer. "If I recall from your high school days, you and her had many fights?" He says to Kim smiling. "Well- I suppose she's a well combat fighter." "Exactly." Chief Nords says. "But we've got lots of those here at CJL, why her?" He sighs trying to keep up with her questions.

          "Kim, I understand this sounds crazy but you need to trust me okay? Kim had always trusted Chief Nords out of most of the other agents or employers here at CJL. Wade had met with Chief Nord and recommended him to Kim. Wade having trust in the Chief let Kim know he was a worker to trust. Not that the agents at CJL are untrustworthy but they're all so focused on they're own tasks, jobs, and missions they're like robots. "Ok Chief." The woman sighed and rested her tense back. "But if anything goes wrong it's on you!" She pointed and continued to read the files of Shego's reports. "There's the trainee I know and love!" The Chief smiled knowing she'd at least try to hear him out. Kim pointed to the file of papers. "You don't mind if I...?" She asked. "Go ahead kid. Knock yourself out." "Thanks Chief." She got up and began walking out the door to go back to her training. "Kim!" "Yes Chief?" "One more thing. Our teams scheduled a meeting about this, I'll send you the email." "Oh god." She signed out his office and left.

"This is crazy Wade." Kim said as she did to her Chief. "Kim he's right you have to trust him. After all this is the CJL we're talking about. They're on top of they're game, worldwide, high tech, and one of the biggest service business that employee the best of the best." Wade said in his snarky voice. "Yes I know I know, you've told me about a million times." Kim sighed. "Sorry, I'm just so excited this could be a huge mission for you Kim. And to be working with CJL, what can I say I'm a great manager." "Your also getting on my greatest nerve." Kim expressed. "Ok, but you have to take this proposal, it could be huge!" "Dont worry, I will." She sighed.

While Wade continued going on about how amazing CJL is Kim was daydreaming about how simple it use to be with just her and Ron on their mission. Catching the rides from friends. Now Kim has high tech cars driving her everywhere. Not that she's complaining about that. But after Ron and her broke up a year into college she did miss her old friend. They still keep in touch but their romantic relationship ship didn't work out and they were willing to accept that as they're lives had changed so much that it was hard to keep a relationship. "Trainee Possible to meeting room 34H." The speaker woke her up from the daydream. "Oh Wade, I got to go! I'll catch up with you later." Ending the call she hurried up her case and got ready to leave her office to the meeting she was dreading.

Pt. 2/...

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