fillers galore

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Yeah yeah i need ideas

Anyway I have a TikTok

@ cheeseparty_cos

I cosplay there and do other dumb shit so yea 😶🧃

Mkay let's get on with it 👏😫

Simp100 has come online

Simp100: hey hey @ koolaidman

koolaidman: what Saihara-

Simp100: how's you and keebo 🤪

koolaidman: shut up

Simp100: you arent oma-kun 😜

koolaidman: stahp I could've dropped my croissant 😫😫

Mr. Mikan Kinnie has come online

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: no offense but can you simps please stfu ♥️

Simp100: okay love 🙇‍♀️

koolaidman: you- you're disrespecting a future us army soldier 😤😤

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: I'm sorry

koolaidman: I was joking- *snorts kool aid*

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: well can you be quiet please my phone is blowing up-

koolaidman: you can't make me do anythingGGG 😤🤬😤😤😡

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: @ keebo

koolaidman: 🤐

keebo has come online

keebo: what's up oma-kun

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: your bf isnt listening to me

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: sorry for bothering you

keebo: bish plz he does that all the time

keebo: also it's fine

koolaidman: hey sweetie-licious 😏😏

keebo: 😐

Mr. Mikan Kinnie has muted koolaidman for 2 hours

Mr. Mikan Kinnie: my name is getting annoying but I don't have any good ideas

keebo: give me admin I'll do it 👩‍🦯

Mr. Mikan Kinnie has given admin to keebo

keebo has changed one username

keebo: like it?


oma: yeah I guess

oma: mk night you guys (love you Saihara)

Simp100: night love 😳😳

keebo: night 🙇‍♀️

And that's another episode of filler
Go listen to toxic lipstick
K bye y'all ✌️😽

Pregame DRV3 chatfic since I'm quirky Where stories live. Discover now