chapter 41

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"Would you like me to take your bag downstairs miss?" Dobby asked, glancing at the suitcase I'd finished packing earlier that morning.

"Yes, thank you," I nodded, sliding my wand into my coat, "I have something to attend to before we leave, if you see Violetta tell her I'll meet them down in the lobby in an hour."

"Very good miss," he replied, disappearing with a snap.

I exited the room, giving it one last farewell look as I left, making my way towards the library.

I'd been wanting to visit it a final time before we returned to Hogwarts, eager to inspect the book Tom showed me the night of the ball.

I hadn't seen it in the daylight yet, spurring my curiosity for how the concealment charm might appear differently, and if it could be lifted somehow.

I reached the room soon enough, satisfied that I'd managed to recall the route correctly.

I uttered alohomora, surprised to find it already unlocked, unlike the previous time.

I twisted the doorknob and stepped inside, closing it behind me quickly.

My feet began moving automatically towards the aisle, stopping only once I spotted a familiar face standing before the first bookcase.

Sirius turned, smiling in a friendly manner once he saw me hovering behind him.

"Oh hello, you're Seraphina aren't you?"

His voice was immediately relaxing, silky and soft like a cosy blanket.

I blushed at having been caught, "yes that's me, and you're Sirius."

He nodded, adjusting his green velvet jacket before speaking, "I am indeed, I see my reputation precedes me."

"Yes something like that," I smiled, stepping forward towards him, "don't worry, I've heard only good things."

"Ahh, excellent," he glanced towards the books, "did you come for something in particular?"

"Just a novel Violetta told me I might like to borrow," I lied, thinking it better not to reveal that I was technically snooping, "and you?"

He ran a finger over some of the titles on the nearest shelf, "my cousin informed me she retained a copy of Madcap Magic, but it's proving tricky to find."

"I can help you search for it if you'd like?" I offered, keen to take my opportunity to talk more to the wizard.

"I'd appreciate that," he smiled with ease, moving along so I could join him in front of the shelf.

We began hunting, running our eyes over the titles in an attempt to find the correct one.

Even with my perception walls in place, I could feel the tranquil magic Sirius radiated, a warmth that was immediately charming.

"So, you're Draco's godfather right?" I skipped over his name quickly, not wanting to show any reaction to the syllables.

After the events that had occurred mere hours ago, I was still reeling from the bitter words we had exchanged between us.

I'd tossed and turned the rest of the night, in the end only managing to get two hours of sleep before I had to wake up and pack, making sure to avoid joining the household at breakfast.

I'd decided, with resolute peace, that it was best to completely steer clear of him if I could, nothing good would come of his presence whilst he refused to treat me decently.

I wasn't keen on the thought of a second blowout argument either, still too drained from the first one, and I suspected that he would treat me just the same and do us both the decency of providing distance.

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