Chapter 1 - First day on the job

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"Finally..." you whisper quietly to yourself. You were just hired to work at Peach's coffee shop next to the castle. With this job, you could finally prove to your parents that you can be taken seriously, and can be trusted to go live on your own.

You take some deep breathes as you prepare yourself for your first day of work.

Everything will go fine, what's the worst that could happen? You think to yourself.

"What if I get kidnapped by bowser? Or... Or what if I accidentally poison someone? WHAT IF-" you stop yourself.

"No, no I'm being dumb... Everything will go just fine."

After finally fully preparing yourself mentally, you walk inside the shop, only to see two people inside, both in uniform. One of them looked familiar, while the other one was completely unrecognizable.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) and uh, I'm here for my first day on the job! I'm looking forward to working here!" You say politely. The person you've never seen before smiled.

"Welcome! Your uniform is in the back. My name is Toadette, and this is my brother, Toad." She introduced. "I'm gonna be your boss! Don't worry, I'm not strict." You smile at her, and she smiles back. You smile at Toad too, but he doesn't seem to respond. Toadette nudges him, and he gives you a fake smile, only using his mouth.

"Sorry about my brother, he's a bit of a grump." She says, patting his head. He growls. You chuckle awkwardly, and go to the back to get your uniform. You find it on the table, folded neatly, and with a sticky note that wrote; "(Y/N) :)"

You go to the changing room and put on the outfit, it was a black T-shirt, with dark gray leggings and black tennis shoes. The apron was a dark green, with the logo stitched on the front pocket. You look in the mirror and smile. You're looking good. You wink at yourself, and leave.

You walk back to the front of the shop where Toadette will teach you how to, well, do your job. You see her flipping the open sign over, and then walking towards you.

"Cool, you're already in uniform! Now first, let me show you around-"

"Oh, no need to, I know my way around this place. I came here on a school trip once and got a tour and now I know basically everything about this place and..." you realize that you just interrupted your boss. "Oh my god I'm sorry, uh, please continue, sorry..." Toadette giggles.

"Nah it's cool, less work for me!" She says, and you relax. "So what we like to do is shift the jobs around, so basically we all get a chance to do everything at least once a work day. Like for example, I'll make the drinks today, you'll do orders, and Toad will... well, we'll see."

"What do you mean we'll see?" You ask curiously.

"He's predicable, but not at the same time. Sometimes he'll do his work, and other times he'll just sit around and do nothing."

"Why hasn't he been fired yet?"

"Well, he kind of has to be here. See, our dad owns this brand, and my brother..." She paused. "Well let's just say that he owes our dad money, so he's gonna have to work here for a while to pay back his debt."

"Ah, I see now..."

"Well, anyway, enough about him, let's talk about your skill. So do you know how to use the machines and make the treats?" You shake you're head.

"Finally, something I know how to do that you don't!" She teased. "Here, come with me." You follow her into the kitchen, and she grabs a mug. She shows you step by step how to make the coffee, and use the machine. Unfortunately, when you try, you accidentally spill almost everything, leaving a huge mess. You also somehow got coffee all over Toadette but not yourself because of plot reasons.

Toad x Reader (Coffee shop AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now