Chapter 12: the true

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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️
Y/n's PoV

"It's a-a scar" I said " a scar?" She said
"Yes" i Said " it's a Big one" she said and I just nodded, " so how long did you have it?" She asked " 2 years" I said "2 years!!!!!!?" She said, and I just nodded and begin to remember what happened, "how did it happened?" And then I knew that it's going to be a long conversation.
" it's fine, you can tell me if you want?" She said " do you swear you don't tell anyone?!" I said a little bit angry.
She nodded and gave me pinky swear again.

" ok here it comes" I said she then could see that I wasn't good and took my hand and hold it.

" ok so ehm I was ehm- eh I was 12 years old- ehm I-I I'm sorry I have never told anyone about it" I said shy " don't apologies take your time" she said and I nodded and smiled to her " ok so I was yea 12 years old, ehm I was home a day with my mother, ehm the clock was 8pm and I was on my way to bed, it was a Monday night, my father was over with his friend to eat and me and my mom had a day only us, it was fun, then when my father in his way home he decided to leave his friend to come back to me and my mom. He then choices to take a taxi because he is a little drunk and then when he got in he could see the driver was really drunk and he-h-he got in a-a c-car crash and none of them survived" I begin to cry so much and Emma hugged me and then she asked " then why do you have a scar?" She asked sweet "I was going to tell you" she hugged me thigh.

" so e-ehm 11 years later when I was just 23 years Old and i met this guy in a fitness club, he was so sweet, after two months we begin to dating." I said and the thought in my head if that time hurts.
While Emma rubbing my back.
" me and him was together all the time. But a day 8 months of dating he was asking me to be his boyfriend, an-and I accepted. I was sooo happy, b-but th-hen he after 6 moths, me and him was on a walk to the beach, they was a 'beautiful girl' of his thoughts. I then went over to buy ice cream for us, a-and when I g-got back they was talking, I knew he wouldn't cheat after my thoughts, I got over to him and took his hand and the girl asked who I was, and then I answered with 'I am his girl-' before I could finish he cut me off by saying ' she is my friend' and then he turned to me and-and gave me a death stare, like he was saying 'you will get punished if you ruin this' and I got scared, and then he asked her for her social media and they got each other I begin to tear up but try to hold it In" I took a break and took a breath and Emma contorted me. " he-e and I-I then walked home and he to-ok my-y arm and pushed me in."

" I was so scared, and I didn't know what to do, he then got in self and lock the door to my house, my mom wasn't home so he then pushed me in my room and I begin to tear up, he-h locked the door to my room and pushed me up against the wall and choked me not really hart but it hurts and then yelled at me really loud and said ' you little slut I said to you that you shouldn't cry over me with a girl by my side, YOU ARE JUST A LITTLE FU**ING SLUT, I DO WHAT I WANT AND YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!' I begin to tear up and cry and he hold me more hard on my throat and I begin to feel that I couldn't breath and he just yelled at me, he also begin to hurt me more and more and told me I was worthless, he just used me for s** and for my body, and I shouldn't tell anyone about it or he will kill the person I love the most, and I was stupid, dumb, weak and many things more" I begin to feel sorry for Emma to hear it and I begin to tear up like crazy and then she could see it and then she said " come here let it out, I swear I will never leave you" she said and hugged me tighter, she is the best friend i ever had beside f/n.

That day I was with Emma.
She was so sweet to me, she was really an angel.

She also invited me to come over to her and then she asked " where do you live normal" " oh I am coming from London, and I am taking home in 17 days" I said and my smile Began to fade away, I didn't want to leave Tom and Emma, my dream came true, meet Emma and Tom was my biggest dream, and now I was just thinking about that how lucky I am.

Emma and I then shared a hug and she asked if I wanted to be here and see a movie and take some snacks, we then sat a movie on it was my favourite movie, and snacks.

And then Emma asked if I wanted to sleep here and of course I wanted, it was a long way to the hotel anyway.

We went to bed and got to sleep.

Thanks to all of you!!✨🖤

✨1012 words✨

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