chapter 1

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The door to the visiting room slammed shut. A woman in her mid to late thirties looked up as her visitor entered the room. He looked to be in his mid thirties, like her, but had turned 43 half a year a go. This was an unusual dynamic, their relationship.

 And with lots of history too. But not everyone knew how far it went. 

And certainly how it ended.



"Why the hell am I here Cat? We ended 3 1/2 years ago. I am done with you. Our story stopped that night."

"But it didn't."

"What the hell do you mean, it didn't?"

"I couldn't let it end, not that quickly."

"What the fuck did you do Cat?"

"Are we alone?"

"Yes. I turned off the sound and I have the key here with me. Now tell me. What the hell did you do this time?"

"I'm sorry Spencer. I promise I'll take all the blame for this and I didn't call you here until I was sure I had it set."


His voice was softer now, even concerning. He pulled out the chair across from the table she sat at as her voice broke on her words. The people watching could see her, not his face and emotions.

"And I know it was stupid and you hate me more now and then you're going to walk out and I'll still protect you from it. Ok? I take the fall, not you."

"Just tell me wha you did."

She had a little smile on her face as she cried now, the tough portrait now vanquished with emotion. And it was that emotion that made him pause, and not jump up and leave. The tears, the racing carotid , that couldn't be faked. There was genuine concern and emotion hidden under a facade built up over years.

"Do you remember the night I kidnapped your girlfriend?"

"Now ex, but yes how could I ever forget?"

"And do you remember what happened after she left, that time when we were alone? The soundproof closet"

"Yes. The lapse in my brain when I decided it would be just a great idea to fuck a hit woman. Don't know why that happened, but we've agreed not to discuss that. What're you getting at?"

His words were tight and precise, sharp and unyielding.

"Exactly what you think I am. Spencie I can explain."

"Cat this is all my fault. But how could you let the evidence of that night happen? That- that was the end."

"I was bored. The same I am now. Because you were right. I am a terrible mother. And I got bored of my own child. It was fun at first, but now, like you said, I'm bored. Boored. So here you are, her father. Even if you put her up for adoption I just had to let you know before they kill me."

He ran his hand through his hair. Eyes darting, he stood up and paced for a moment, before sitting back down.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen. You are going to pretend that I had to work hard to get that information from you. Emily is going to come in once I storm out acting like you just broke it to me. Then I am going to take the kid and leave."



"Her name is Ada. Adaline Maeve Diana Reid. Ada for Adams so she has part of me."

"Thank you for that. You didn't have to."

"It was the least I could do. I also managed to give her the same birthday as you. They asked me what day I wanted, for c-section at least, and I picked your birthday. Start looking mad now. It's been too long."

He smiled at her one last time and slammed his hands on the table. Yes, it was a buyable act. Another woman came rushing in as he shoved his chair into the wall and looked furious. He walked out as the young woman chained to the chair started laughing.

 And laughing. 

The man stormed out of the room, as promised, and looked so livid that it was hard to believe that this was faked. 

 So the biggest scheme Spencer Reid had ever been in began. 

And all because he fell in love with a psychopath. 

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