" I did! " He said proudly grinning.

Michael was someone close to Aparna. Though she hates him now, why would he go to this extent!

" Why? " I asked in utter shock.

" See this scar? " He asked me pointing to a faded scar on the left side of his cheek.

I nodded confused.

" She did that! " He said.

" Aparna is not someone who would do this without any reason. I am not going to trust anything unless I hear her side. " I said sternly.

" Wow, I really appreciate your vigour. If you didn't know, I loved her, more than you. I confessed to her like a hundred times. Our families nearly approved everything, but suddenly she backed off. I had no other way than to force her. I might sound like the bad guy, but for her, I was ready to do anything. We worked together. I wanted the relationship to get physical, she didn't accept it. Things got out of hand, we had a public fight, she slapped me. I was drunk, I spilled lots of words, but it was love after all. I tried to force her, she broke my face and ran off. This happened some three months ago, She left the office and disappeared. Now to get her back, I am going to make her apologize to me. I know what she values the most, she can't stop me this time. " He said calmly.

My insides were boiling on hearing his words. I was holding onto the tiny bit of sanity that was left inside my mind, before I kill him with my bare hands.

I was out of words. I can only imagine the amount of terror Aparna went through.

I decided to be insane. I stood up from my chair and punched hard on Michael's face. He didn't budge.

The punch broke his nose and he smiled through the blood.

I shook my hand and looked at him.

" Man, that was violent! " He said and spit out blood.

" Get out of here, before I kill you! " I shouted at him.

" Sit down my friend, the story hasn't ended! You should know how you became the stupid! " He said laughing.

I pulled my hair and sat back. I really hated his confidence.

" Aparna who had nowhere to go suddenly found you! And you happened to appoint her in your firm. She having this place, made her confident. She was almost unafraid of me. I thought I was done. But the stupid you threw her out! That's so ironic! " He said.

" You bastard! " I shouted at him.

" Shut the fuck up! You are nothing to me. Aparna damned chose this hell hole instead of my office! She bloody chose you! Come on, what do you have? Really?  , you are a piece of shit! And I feel ashamed to compare myself with you! " He said laughing.

" Get out! You are an insane asshole! You didn't love her! You see her as an object! You are intimidated by her! You are scared that you can't control her and you are trying to get back at her with your cheap tricks!" I said. I was already sweating profusely, I can't take up his words anymore.

I wanted to kill myself for breaking the trust Aparna had on me, I wanted to run to her and fall at her feet.

" Are you really different from me? Weren't you scared of her? , Have you heard about that story, the Rumpelstiltskin? " He asked me.

" Get the fuck out of here! " I shouted at his face.

" This is the last story my friend. You shouldn't misunderstand me right. A Miller lies to the king that his daughter can spin hey to gold. The king forces the Miller's daughter to prove the saying. The girl gets help from a goblin and does the deed. But imagine, what if that girl is the goblin? What if she can really spin straw to gold ? " He asked as he got up from his seat.

I shook my head at his childish puzzle.

" Your office ,This succulents, the olive coloured highlight walls, this is Aparna's taste. This is the palette she chose for her dream office and I bloody don't understand why she used that for you! That girl is a goblin! Everything she touches becomes gold! Her net worth is more than 15 crores! She doesn't deserve to work here! Thank god! " Michael said and walked out of the conference room.

I stood frozen on my place on hearing his words. I am doomed!

Michael pushed a small succulent pot over the working table and it fell down with a shrill cracking noise.

" Oops! " He said smiling at me. He intentionally moved his hand and pushed out two more succulent pots.

The sand spread out on the floor and the porcelain pieces were shaking.

" The pitiable part is that even after she did all this, she has no other way than to fall at my feet! " Michael said and kicked out a broken pot to one side.

He was here to torture me. He wanted to see me at my misery, he is enjoying that.

" You did a huge mistake! " I finally spoke out.

" What? " Michael asked turning towards me.

" You should have silently move on with you fucked up plan. You shouldn't have told me anything. Too bad, you are gonna regret coming here and teasing me! " I said.

" You are a mute dog, try barking all you want! Aparna tried too, she lost. What can an amateur do! Fuck off! " Michael said and walked out.

I stood alone in my empty office.

I had just only one thought on my mind.

How am I going to make this asshole regret touching Aparna?

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