I looked out of the window eagerly as we set off a little later. George and I were on our own this time, his sister, Ella and Peter left shortly before us so that we could say goodbye. And yes, I missed them already, they were really cute and to see George with little kids officially made my heart melt. "Are we there yet?", I asked, looking around so I could finally figure out where we were.
 "About five minutes to go," George replied. I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat. He was still keeping the information about where we were going from me and was the most curious person on earth to endure it.
"Just a little tip, please," I pouted, putting on my puppy dog eyes. George dared to look at me briefly before returning his attention to the road. "You do know that puppy dog eyes don't work on me?"
"Ah, shut up"
I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned back even more in the chair. Yes, I was the most impatient person on earth, I hated waiting far too long especially when I knew what it could just tell me, George.
It really didn't take long to arrive and my jaw dropped as I realised.
"We're going go-karting?!", I asked excitedly like a little kid who had just eaten chocolate for the first time.
"Of course, I promised you".
As we got out of the car I ran to George on the other side and jumped into his arms. "Thank you" I squealed and let him lift me into the air so that we both laughed.
When I was younger, I often went karting with my cousins. A lot of people looked at me funny because I was the only girl there, but I didn't care, most of the time I was even better than the ones who laughed at me.
I had wanted to do this again for years, so I couldn't believe that I was going to do it with George, who had been European karting champion in 2011 and 2012.
After George put me back down, he took my hand in his and we walked to the track.
"I've booked it for the two of us tonight," George explained, looking at him in amazement.
"Does that mean-"
"No other people, no fans, just a couple of staff from here and the two of us."

When I finally sat down in the kart, I had to start grinning. My gaze went up to George, who was also grinning at me. "Well?"
"It's totally cool," I replied. "Can I drive now?"
"No," George said and came behind, taking my hands from behind me and putting them on the steering wheel. Even though I was wearing gloves, I could still feel the warmth of his hands.
"You know how to steer. But try to feel the car, will you? Not too hectic, but not too slow either. Got it?"
"Yes, Mr Russell," I winked at him and adjusted my helmet. Grinning, he eased away from me and I pressed on the gas to drive off. The first corner was indeed not so nice and I almost slammed into the wall, but I just about saved it.
The second corner actually went really well and I drove through the track until I reached the finish again. George raised his eyebrows when he looked at the stopwatch and then at me.
I got out of the kart and took off my helmet while looking at George anxiously.
"What?", I asked, fixing my hair, "What was my time?"
"That was worse than my sister," he laughed, slapping him on the chest. "1.34"
"You idiot, please don't tell me that, and as a Formula 1 driver at that!", I interjected.
"I don't even need that much on the track outside!"
He bit his lips to stifle a laugh but found it difficult to do so.
"Shall I show you how a pro drives?"
"You show-off, I hate you," I grumbled, taking the stopwatch from his hand. Laughing, he shook his head and put on his helmet. Getting into the kart, he put on his gloves and settled in before driving off. I pressed the button to time him and watched George take the corners as easily as if this was a straight track. My eyes widened more and more as I looked at the stopwatch and I pressed it as he went through the finish line.
"Are you kidding me?", I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
"How good was I?"
"Aww baby, don't be jealous" he pouted and hugged me after putting his helmet on his side. I couldn't help but return it and start laughing, which he did.

George and I stayed at the track for quite a long time and he showed me some tips on how to get better and trained with me. It actually took a little while until I managed not to hit the wall and also got faster. In the end, I actually managed to increase my speed and get under one minute. So we decided to have a race at the end of the day. George asked one of the staff to time the two of us and film it so we could determine the winner at the end of it was close. "But it won't be anyway," George grinned and put on his helmet.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll see," I teased him back and settled into my kart.
"Ready?" the staff member asked as we sat down.
"Ready," George replied.
I immediately pressed on the gas and we both drove off quickly. George immediately overtook me and held position. Of course, it was also difficult to overtake on the bends and in general, I'm always racing against George Russell.
Yes, George Russell, my friend and I are racing against each other, I never thought that such a day would come...
When we were back on a straight flat for a short while, I took my chance and tried to overtake George. It was just before the finish and I stepped on the gas to pass him. But it was not enough. Of course, it wasn't. It was still George Russell. "George Russell wins!"
I stopped and pulled my helmet off laughing.
"That was the best thing I've ever done," I laughed out. George started laughing too, came up to me and gave me a quick kiss.
"You were really good too, I'm proud of you."
"I had a great coach too," I said and hugged him.
Yes, dating George was nice. Going out for dinner and looking romantically into each other's eyes. But this was definitely better. 

A/N: Sorry that I could not upload this week! I was so busy with online school!! But I hope I can do a bit more over the weekend!!

Sending Love x

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