~ > 18 < ~

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~Some day when we're dreaming
deep in love, not a lot to say
then we will remember
Things We Said Today~

It was already half-past six in the morning when I was awake again. George slept snuggled up to me while I gently ran my hands through his hair and his breathing lightly tickled the back of my neck. I didn't plan to wake him up before 7 am, as I had to leave at half-past seven at the latest. He moved slightly on top of me and lifted his head in my direction. A smile formed on his tired face, which I returned. "Good morning."
"Morning," he greeted me back sleepily, squinting his eyes. "What time is it?"
"A little after half-past six," I replied. "I have to go to the Underground just before half-past seven to go to work, we have time."
"Hmm..." he mumbled and leaned back again. "I hope I didn't snore."
"Not only that, you drooled all over me" I joked and couldn't help laughing when he lifted his head again in horror.
"You're serious?" he asked, laughing as well. "How long have you been awake?"
"Not that long, but I wanted to let you sleep," I replied, starting to run my fingers through his hair again as his face nuzzled back into my neck. "Because you look really cute when you sleep".
"Thanks," he murmured. "I want to stay like this all day. Can't you call in sick?"
"Okay, sorry, love" he laughed and his stubble tickled his neck as he started laughing. "By the way, I love you."
"I love you too"
"I love you more"
"I love you 3000" I grinned and bit my lips.
"Oh no, Marvel fan?" he laughed. "Nicholas too"
"At least one" I muttered laughing. "But hey, we should get out of bed or couch slowly" I improved myself. "I don't want to," George grumbled. "
"Come on, I'm hungry," I interjected. "All right, then," he conceded defeat and slowly stood up. He sat up straight and stretched for a while. "You're welcome to take a shower if you want," I offered and sat up as well. "I'm afraid I don't have a change of clothes or shower gel for you," I said.
"No problem, I have my sports bag in the car downstairs with shower things and a change of clothes," he reassured me. "I'll get them and then I'll take a shower".
"Good, then I'll make breakfast," I said. "Scrambled eggs?"
"Sounds good," he agreed and pressed a kiss to my lips. "I'll be right back"
He stood up and walked to the front door, which he then closed behind him. I started to giggle as I realised what had happened. I, Elizabeth Ward have a boyfriend. Me. So really me. That's impossible... Then I remembered what Sarah said. Yeah, she's definitely gonna kill me. How am I going to tell them? Julia would still like it, Vee probably would too, but Sarah won't really be pleased.
Suddenly 10000 different things came into my head as I realised the situation. Did our relationship now affect my job or his? I would never do anything to jeopardise his career, I'm not that kind of person. And then there was the publicity... There was always the danger that we would be seen together and then our faces would appear on social media. I really didn't feel like that, I mean.... well there's been enough of that from other celebrities.
I shook my head. I really shouldn't worry about that. And George and I would certainly talk about it. I got up from the couch and went into the bathroom to put out a clean toothbrush and towel for George before going back into the kitchen and starting to make breakfast. While the oil was getting hot in the pan, I picked out my clothes for today and turned on the record player, as I always did when I cooked.
George arrived back upstairs and announced that he was going to take a shower while I continued to make breakfast. I danced to the tune and sang "Layla" by Eric Clapton out loud. "LAYLA, you got me on my knees, Layla"
"Coffee or tea?", I shouted over to the bathroom. "Coffee", George shouted back laughing and I prepared some more coffee. I set the table nicely while now the guitar solo was still playing and I went completely off. Yes, when music I loved is played, I go completely crazy. Either I sing or dance along, or both at the same time (that's most likely). 
When the table was set, George also came out of the bathroom again. His clothes now consisted of short grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. "Your singing is pretty good" George teased me, sounding more like irony.
"I know, thanks," I winked at him and turned off the record player.
 "You know there's something like Spotify now," George said as he sat down at the table.
"But that's boring," I interjected. "It sounds much better on the record player and it gives me that old feeling".
"All right, but explain to me how you listen to your music when you're out and about."
"I have a walk-man," I replied and started eating. He put his knife and fork back on the side and looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You serious?"
"What, I'm not into modern things," I chuckled and drank from my coffee. We both ate and George marvelled during the first bite. "These are the best-scrambled eggs I've ever had."
"Well, they should be good enough when I've learned everything I can for gastronomy plus had four years of home economics in high school."
"Really now? Why do they have home economics in high school?" he asked, confused. I shrugged my shoulders. "German school system, I don't know, but not everyone has it. But please don't ask me," I asked him.
"Do you have to go to work today?", I asked him as I put the dishes in the sink so I could wash them after work. Anyway, I had to leave slowly now, as it was already ten past seven.
"No, but tomorrow I have the meeting with Ava".I nodded.

"Give me five minutes in the bathroom," I said to him and kissed him briefly before disappearing into the bathroom with my clothes so I could freshen up and change. Today I would go to work without make-up because I didn't feel like wearing make-up. And besides, my make-up was always so discreet that it was hardly noticeable.
My outfit consisted of the black Williams blouse and a white skirt, which by now was my standard outfit. When I was out of the bathroom again, I packed my backpack and went back to George.
 "Well, I have to go," I said to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"No, we.", he improved me. "I'll drive you."
"No, you don't," I contradicted him. "Otherwise you'll take a diversion."
"Ah what, come on now," he interjected. "I'm still a gentleman."
I sighed. "Oh well," I conceded defeat. "But we should still start slowly" 
We both walked out of my flat and held hands as we walked to his car and made our way to the Williams building in Wantage.

"Can I be honest with you?" George asked slowly.
Confused, I looked at him from the side. What did this mean now? I haven't done anything wrong, have I?
"Ehm, yes..."
George gave a short laugh and continued to concentrate on the road. "I got jealous when I saw Lando's story on Instagram about you guys. Well, I got jealous of Lando in general," he laughed. "But it doesn't matter now. I trust you that you wouldn't do something like my ex did to me, you're far too loving."
"Aw, George you're really sweet," I admitted, pouting, "But why in general? Lando and I just get along really well."
"Well at the end, you were probably too drunk to remember," he said. I tried to think back to that night. What could have made George jealous? That Lando and I had talked? "Well, when Lando wanted to take you home, I was really pissed at him and because the whole situation escalated, we still had a real fight that night."
"Wait, what?", I asked completely confused and looked at him again. "Don't tell me you're not friends anymore because of me."
"Ah nonsense, of course, we're still friends!" he reassured me.

We arrived and George parked in the car park. "So"
"I don't want to go," I pouted, making my puppy dog eyes.
"When we had the chance, I offered you to stay in bed," he reminded me, playfully stern. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah right"I glared at him for a while and we fell silent before he leaned in again and gave me a kiss. "I love you"
"I love you more"
"I love you 3000" I giggled and kissed him again.
He gently stroked my face and gave me another kiss on the forehead.
"Am I always going to hear this now?"
"Yes," I assured him, nodding. He smiled at that.
"All right. How about you this afternoon?"
"I'm going to have to confess to Sarah about us," I replied, my face contorting.
"Oh yeah, she's really creepy," he admitted. "I hope her twin sister isn't like that."
"Don't worry, Julia is a lovely one," I reassured him. "But I have to go now"
"I know, baby," he said and kissed me again. I didn't care how corny it sounded, but every time he kissed me I always felt special and knew I was worth something, I was worth something to him. "Shall I pick you up after work today?" he asked.
"You don't have to," I refused.
"Okay, be there at 2 pm," he winked and I rolled my eyes again. I kissed him one last time before opening the door and getting out of the car. "See you then.
 "See you, darling"

A/N: Cuteness Level 1000000/10, I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH OMG 😭😭
Now you gonna have a lot of cuteness in this fan fiction, I am sorry for the ones who don't like it 🤣🤣

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