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~And When The Rains Begins To Fall 
I Will Be The Sunshine In Your Life~

"It's hard to believe how grateful I am that my little brother has found a great girlfriend," Cara laughed as we walked into the second vintage shop in town. We had already been walking for two hours and in the other shop, we spent a long time finding suitable things for Cara, as she didn't know her vintage sizes, unlike me. And of course, I had to buy something too, when I go to a vintage shop I don't go out empty-handed. The first shop from before was just with clothes, this one was now with lots of different vintage stuff. "Oh my God, there are records here," I said delightedly like a little child when I saw them. "Clothes first," Cara said pointing to the clothes section. "All right," I said and we went to the clothes. "So, you already have a dress from the 60s, how about we go towards the 80s," I suggested. Cara nodded and I worked my way towards finding a suitable 80s outfit for her. 
It took me a little while to get a few things together for her and send her to the changing room. While she was changing, I made a boomerang for Instagram and uploaded it with the text "Vintage Shopping Day 🥰😍". Then as I continued to go through my Instagram, something caught my eye: The number of followers and likes on my pictures kept increasing. And of course, it was immediately clear to me what the reason was. Although George and I haven't made our relationship public yet, because we've never really discussed the topic. He just said that we shouldn't make it public at first and that we should take our time with it. That's why we didn't post anything directly from either of us on Instagram, especially George. Also, my account was public because I hardly ever uploaded any pictures of myself, just a few, and the rest of the pictures were from my photography since I started. I would go through the comments and read really sweet messages like "George has a really cute girlfriend now", but then there were also those who weren't so happy about it and wrote things like "She's only sleeping with him for the money".I ignored those at first, but I was still wondering how so many people found out that I was George's girlfriend... "And what do you think, Lilibeth?", Cara asked when she came out of the changing room again. "Great," I answered as I looked at her closely. "I love the yellow on you, it suits you perfectly."
"I think I'll take that too," she said and was about to close the cloaks behind her again, but I stopped her. "Wait," I said. "We have to take a picture"
Cara agreed with a smile and I held up the camera to take a selfie. "I'll send it to George and then I'll send it to you" I announced and let them move again. I went onto George's and my WhatsApp history, sent him the picture and wrote "Your sister is going to be a time traveller too like me 🤣🤣😘❤" to it. 
It wasn't long before my mobile vibrated and he texted me back.
My Champion: My poor sister 🤣🤣🥰❤

I chuckled at this and received a second message from him.

My Champion: When are you coming back? I miss you ❤🙊😓
Me: Ohhh, we've only been gone two hours :(
But we'll hurry, I can't leave you alone for long 😘😘❤
My Champion: Okay, I love you❤
Me: I love you 3000 💗🙊

Cara and I picked out more clothes and when I saw the two full bags in my hand, I knew my account wouldn't be so full anymore. And now there were also the records and the make-up. Even though I didn't wear make-up every day, I was really crazy about vintage make-up and I bought myself two palettes. I wasn't satisfied with just a few records either. I managed to buy the last two Beatles albums I was missing, "Let It Be" and "With The Beatles", plus a Stevie Wonder album, "Bad" by Michael Jackson and three singles by Elvis Presley. I'd rather not tell you what I spent, because the cashier looked at me puzzled and Cara laughed about it when we were outside. "You don't save money at Vintage," Cara said with a laugh as she pointed to the three bags in my hands. "That's right," I admitted. Slowly we decided to go back as well because it was getting late and I had also promised George to be back soon. We decided to walk because it was only a 15-minute walk with the Russells and we didn't want to drive unnecessarily. It also gave us time to get to know each other. By now I was not surprised that Cara was as nice as everyone else in her family. She was actually very similar to George and she also told me funny things about him when they were little. "So you don't have to worry about our family. We all like you, I mean you're the only one to like and the stuff after George's ex pulled it off, you can't complain," Cara said. And there was that subject again: his ex. Even though I never talked to her and only saw her from afar once (which was enough for me), I hated her abnormally. Nevertheless, I was somehow interested in why everyone in George's family hated her. "What did she do?" I asked curiously.
Cara exhaled loudly. "You don't know where to start. She was already unpleasant when she came through the door and to my little ones she said that they were annoying. Then she kept talking about 'her dad's business' and I don't know what, how great he was because he was in Las Vegas a lot and made his money there," Cara said.
But when I heard the word 'Las Vegas', I winced. How I would love to love this city, but remembering back to that trip with Uncle Adam, I could start to shake.
"Turns out she lied about everything, her parents were poor as hell and she was only with George for the money," Cara continued, sounding more and more pissed off as she went on. "Are you ok?" she then asked confused when she saw me looking down at the floor.
"Ehm, yeah, everything's fine," I said, shaking my head. I just hoped she didn't notice me...
"Anyway, the bitch was damaged and she manipulated George so much that he really only had eyes for her. And then this whole thing around the attention oh God! She kept bugging George about making their relationship public, but George wouldn't put it out in the open. Then she got mad and..."
"She cheated on him?", I finished her sentence because I now knew everything around that story.
"Right, how do you know that?" she asked, confused. "Told me, George, because... well, the story is complicated," I said. But the story about his ex was also clear to me. Now I hated this person even more. How could someone be so disgusting and take advantage of someone? Now I was also worried about going out in public with him. What if George thought I wanted the same thing as his ex? Of course, I would never want that, I loved George too much to take advantage of him.
"Lilibeth, but you, you've given him something to smile about again. Since he has you he is more than happy", Cara said when we arrived at the front door. "And for that, every single person here is grateful to you." 

"You have to smile," I told George, Ella and Peter as I tried to take a picture of them with my camera. George smiled sweetly at the camera and was between them hugging him.
"I want to take a picture too," Ella said and came over to me.
"Me too!" exclaimed Peter and came to me as well.
"Okay, okay."The two of them stood to my right and left respectively and watched me anxiously as I positioned the camera correctly.
"So it's always important to find the right position," I began. "Then try to hold as still as possible and just press," I explained and looked at George who smiled at me and I returned it.
 "George, do a nice pose," I prompted and George made a pout at which they both started laughing. The picture came out and I showed it to them both.
"Why is this black?" Peter asked confused when he had it in his hand and was staring at it.
"It has to develop first, it takes a little time," I replied.
"Can I take a picture of you and Uncle George?" Ella asked sweetly.
"If you promise not to drop it," I said, handing her the camera. While I walked next to George, Ella posed properly with the camera and gave us instructions, which made us laugh.
"Can you kiss each other?" Ella asked.
Giggling, I looked at George and gently placed my hand from his cheeks before we kissed and we paused in position for a moment as Ella pressed the shutter.
 "Thank you, Ella," George thanked her. S
he handed the camera back to me and I took the picture out for it to develop. I leaned back on George meanwhile and he gave me a kiss on the head.
"I think you have a new fan," he whispered to me and looked at Ella, who had just gone to her Barbie dolls and started playing with them.
"You think so?", I asked, turning slightly to George so I could see his face.
"Don't you see her face when you talk to her?"
Laughing, I leaned even more towards George. "Actually, she's a fan of yours"
"You can only be a fan of mine" George joked and I punched him in the chest which made him laugh. I looked at the picture Ella had taken of us and it had since developed.
"Look how cute it is," I said and handed it to George. "Hey, the little one has talent," he observed.
Benjy came in with four plastic bags and put them on the kitchen table. "Your desired Chinese noodles, Mrs Russell," he said.
 "That's the second time you've called me Mrs Russell," I remarked.
"You do realise we've only been together a month?" George asked with raised eyebrows.
"Well, Ella said Lilibeth is going to marry you," Benjy said. "Right Ella?"
"We all like you Auntie Lilibeth and George likes you more," she added and continued to play with her dolls. 

A/N: I am not really happy with this chapter, but I had not really much time now because my online classes started today :(
I hope I will be able to update a better chapter tomorrow:)

Sending Love x

For You and maybe MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt