Chapter 45

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**Mr Danso's POV**
I stirred a little and cleared my throat. I checked the small clock an the night stand and it read 12:01am. I slept on my back as I thought. I had a lot on my mind right now and I needed something to help clear it.
"Franklina" I thought immediately. That girl was my top stress-reliever.  Her body was goals and she was tight just like I liked it. I moved my wife's leg off mine and got up slowly. Then I walked to the bathroom,washed my face and emptied my bladder. When I was done with that, I left my room and walked slowly across the hallway to Frankina's room.

I opened the door,entered the room and shut it. I looked in confusion as I didn't see any figure on the bed. I decided to turn on the light as I thought that maybe I just couldn't see in the dark. I looked around the brightly lighted room. She was not here. "Franklina!" I called as I walked to the bathroom. Where was this little whore?

I sat on her bed in frustration and placed my head in my hand. Where was she when I needed her? I was just about to leave the room when something in her slightly opened wardrobe caught my eye. I walked to the wardrobe and took out the stack of papers. I glanced through them and my heart skipped a beat.

Not believing my eyes,I sat on her bed and began to go through them some more. They had on things like the address of the house in which the children were being held captive,a few letters that Daniella had written to me and other things. I began to shake my head drastically. Did Franklina know about my job? I asked myself.

Still in shock,I left the papers on the bed and run to my room. I changed out of my pyjamas into some casual clothes,took my car key and run outside. I tried calling some of the boys at the house to ask them if the children were safe for I feared that Franklina and Daniella would try to do something to save them but none of them picked up.

Frustrated and angry,I yelled for Amuzu to open the gates as I drove angrily out of the house. "Franklina better not be thinking of saving the children." I thought as I took the gun out of my storage compartment and reloaded it.

She didn't know who she was joking with.

*Franklina's POV*

Daniella slowed down as we got to our destination. She parked the car behind a van and motioned for us to get out. We took our weapons from the car and got out. Then,she opened the boot and handed us a bat each. She locked the car and motioned for us the follow her.

"That's my men's van." She pointed as we passed by the van we had parked behind. We walked on the sidewalk silently for sometime until we stopped in front of a house.
"This is it." She said as she nodded to a man in black on the side of the house. I looked at the house in awe. It was a beautiful house situated in a calm looking community. Mr Danso was a very wise man. The nature of the house did not in any way give away the fact that the house held kidnapped children. It looked like an ordinary house with ordinary people.

"You got the key?" Daniella asked. I nodded and took the key out of my back pocket and handed it to her. "Follow me." She said.

We followed her to the back gate of the house. There, there were three men dressed in black. After a short introduction,Daniella briefly explained what will happen again. Then she gave each of us a hug and nodded at the men. One of the men climbed the wall and turned the CCTV camera so that it faced another direction. Then,they picked the lock of the back gate using a bobby pin.
With one last nod,they motioned for us to follow them.

"You have come to far to go back now." I thought to myself as my shaky legs entered the house.

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