Pluto Projector

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Johnny... I miss you. Can't believe you and Dally are gone. I miss you both so much but Johnny... You were the death of me. I cared for you the most. I protected you the most. I haven't talked to the gang in a while. I cant bear the thought of you gone and not seeing you anymore. Gosh you didn't deserve the life you got. I would do anything to go back in time and helped you if you would have told us sooner. Oh Jonathan. I'm missing you so much. I'll see you soon. I decided to go to the lot and it reminded me too much of Johnny. I decided to man up and go there and stargaze. It's like I could feel Johnny next to me. I felt my eyes water. I looked up at the stars and it reminded me of when Johnny and I would just look up at the stars and talk. I miss him too much. I felt something on my leg and it was a ladybug. It was Johnny. He always said if he died he'd want to be a ladybug.
Y/n: Johnny?
It then crawled to my hand. I started sobbing. It was Johnny.
Y/n: Oh Johnny there's so much I need to tell you. I wish you were here. But you cared more about those little kids more than yourself. You did the right thing. Hope you're happy now. I love you. Now, rest.
After I said that it flew away.
Y/n: I miss you so much Johnny it hurts. I'll see you soon my love.
I then walked back home and layed down. Johnny is always on my mind before bed. Always dream about him.
Y/n: I'll see you soon John..
Right before I dreamt away, the last thing I remembered before dreaming was Johnny's beautiful smile...

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