| Chapter Six | The First Trial

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"One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder."

Jason smiled a bit when he felt his horse nudge his back making him look at her. He petted her face, smiling. His horse, Stardust, is a beautiful grey and white mare with a black mane that fades out to white.

Sky walked up to him, his horse Jinx being lead behind him. "Ready?" he asked Jason.

Jason nods. "Yep," he said.

"Good," he said.

"This is going to be fun to watch," Mitch said making the two look at the hybrid. There are in the meadow just outside of the base. The meadow is often used as training grounds when people want to be outside instead of inside. It's Adam, Jason, Mitch, and Quentin. The four having their horses; Jinx, Stardust, Chex, and Pepper.

"Ty and them in position?" Adam asked Jason.

Jason nods again. "Yes, just waiting for us," he said.

After about five more minutes, the candidates came, but none of them had their horses.

Vikk pointed at the horses. "Are we supposed to be mounted for this?" he asked.

Sky shrugged his shoulders. "You can go back for your horses after I tell you what is expected of you. Now, you all are fully aware of the three new outposts that were constructed as part of the full restoration of the Kingdom of Dragons. Farfall, Crimson, and Raven. As well as the two bridges, Ashina and Serpent, that connect the Dragonmere island to the mainlands. Well...your task is to make it to the Raven outpost located on the island," he said. The candidates stared at Sky, waiting for him to say more but when he didn't, they got confused.

"Wait, that's it?" Tyler asked as Quentin and Mitch mounted their horses.

Sky crossed his arms. "Quentin and Mitch will be riding with you for medical and combat support during the entire trial should you need or want it. Jason and I will be by the Ashina bridge. Mount up and leave within the hour if you want to make it back here before sundown," he said. He turned away from the candidates, taking the lead from Jason and mounting his horse. Jason mounts Stardust, pulling her reins to face towards the bridge.

He smiled a bit and looked at Sky. "I'll race you to Farfall," he said making Sky smile and nod.

"You're on," he said before the two took off leaving the six candidates alone with Quentin and Mitch. The candidates were talking to each other. Mitch smiled at their conversation.

"We're missing something here, it can't be this easy," Nick said.

Noah shakes his head. "No, it can't. There has to be something else," he said.

Mitch lightly hit Chex's sides, making the stallion go forward up beside the candidates. "Well? You guys gonna mount up? We're burning daylight," he said.

"I thought the rules were we can't aid each other?" Ashley asked him.

Mitch nods at her. "Correct more or less..."

"Well wouldn't leaving as a group be aid? How are you and Major General Juneau supposed to ride with us?" she asked.

Mitch smiled, resting his arm on the horn of his saddle. "Well, that is the question, isn't it? Break the rules and you will be disqualified," he said. He saw the hesitation in their eyes, they are confused but only a few of them are. He sees Vikk and Jordan thinking making him smile a bit. 'Those two are more promising than the others, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them becomes Colonel,' he thinks to himself before Tyler spoke.

The Cursed Ancestry: Book Three To the Heir Series: Teamcrafted (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now