"Cool." Cooper noted, sprinted ahead, "Like really cool."

      "I placed that." Jawsh motioned towards a daisy.

      "I placed everything else in the garden." Ted chuckled.

      "No really, this is really cool. You must have a lot of money. Speaking of which have you heard of-" Connor started his pitch.

      "Don't sell Schlatt Coin to the enemy." Schlatt bit.

      Sneeg groaned, "Don't you dare scam people right now."

      "Schlatt coin is not a scam it's-" Schlatt fired.

     "So!" Wilbur practically yelled to shut them up.

     "Come in, it's cooler inside." I opened the doors and allowed everyone in.

     The inside was cooler. Elaborate, with streams of water and lava running in a maze shape through the rooms. There were four rooms, but to the uninformed eye, there seemed to be three. The first room was a lobby, with makeshift benches and paintings. The second was the main room, it was of a large scale and filled with many attractions.

       A "petting zoo" was set up with various animals which made me unpleasantly reminisce of how difficult it was to find and capture many of them. Another part of the room had a food court, with chests of various fancier foods such as stews and puffer-fish labeled "alcohol." There was a large open area for socializing, a small pool and fishing rods, and many poorly made televisions.

       The final room was a large stage and a fence and lead "microphone." But behind a large 4x4 painting was the last room. It was filled with chests and weapons. After my speech I was prepared to step back into the painting, get the weapons, and slaughter the under prepared Business Men.

      The next few hours passed uneventfully. I switched around through various voice calls, getting to know and butter up those who hadn't chosen a side. I ran into Schlatt doing the same. I ducked around through voice calls until I was satisfied that every member would suspect I was in another party VC if I wasn't in their own, then I switched to Slimecicle's call and muted my audio for my stream. There was ten minutes until my speech.

      "-so then the wench said- Y/N you're finally here! We have a glock of problems!" Charlie said frantically.

      "...a glock of problems?" I questioned.

      "A lot of problems. Y'know, because we are stealing weapons... it wasn't one of my better puns." He sighed.

      "Anyways! Yeah! There aren't any weapons... or not as much as there should be!" Grizzly interjected.

      "Wait- what the fuck? There aren't any weapons? What do you mean?" His words shocked me.

      "All the chests are empty for some reason." Condi sounded surprisingly calm.

      "Fuck!" I knew how panicked I sounded, "My speech is in ten minutes!"

      "We have some weapons... just not all." Charlie tried.

      "O-okay cool. That'll be fine. Just get the fuck back here." I stuttered.

      "Be there soon." Grizzly said chipperly.

     I small talked for a few more minutes before suddenly combining all the chats, forcefully muting everyone.

      "Shut the fuck up, politely." I started, "I'm going to do a speech, and you don't have a choice. Make your way to the podium room." I watched their avatars make move to the next room. Slowly, I stepped onto the podium. Even though it was just a game, I swear I could feel the soles of my shoes pressing against the steps. My heart-rate increased looking out at the sea of people, and it felt like I was transported into the game. I didn't feel my real life surroundings, I saw the stage, the friends and enemies, the shitty mic as my real life.

      "Hello esteemed guests!" I made sure I sounded friendly, out of the corner of my eye I saw Charlie's name tag flash for a second before he crouched and entered the back room. I hoped the Business men weren't as perceptive as I was.

       "I'm so glad you made it. I hope this party lived up to your expectations for what a video game event should be like." I paused for laughs before remembering I muted them, "Anyways, as much as I made this event out to be peaceful, it's really not."

       Some avatars jittered.

      "What I mean is, there will always be a silent fight between the Diamonds and the Business Men. And I was noticed that some of you refuse to join. Apparently the glowing pile of bread crumbs labeled, 'content' wasn't enough for you. So I will give you an incentive. Join the Diamonds or die... monds." I cringed at my own line.

       More avatars started to move.

      "Let the fight begin." I unmuted everyone in the call and backed into the painting. Chaos immediately ensued, with everyone running everywhere. I raced into the back room with some other diamonds to immediately notice the lackluster pile of weapons.

      "T-his is a-ll?" Sneeg's computer was not having a good time.

      "Y-eah it's allwecould fi-nd!" Grizzly got out.

      "What-ver!" I grabbed a sword and ran out.

      Suddenly I gasped, the sight was not what I though it'd be. I expected chaos sure, but it was to be immediately quelled by the Diamond's weapons and power. I didn't expect screams of dead players, piles of loot scattered across the floor, and the Business Men standing in enchanted armor and weapons standing atop them. All expect Schlatt who wore no armor nor bore a weapon. He simply stood on the stage in front of me.

       I muted those who were yelling, until I was left with a few Diamonds, a few Business Men, and Schlatt.

       "What the fuck." I spat.

       "Beware of traitors Y/N." Schlatt grinned, "Get them."

       Suddenly, all living Business Men charged at my pathetic group of eight. I bared my shield and sword along with my group. That's when I shared the universal thought:




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