Chapter 2 - 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆?

Start from the beginning

[Y/n] laughed softly. "Yes. I do have a name." Normally, she wouldn't engage in such exchanges, but the boy intrigued her. "But whether or not I should tell you, I'm not too sure," she looked him over while biting her lip slightly.

She just checked him out. He watched her do it. There was no denying that she was at least somewhat interested in him.

"I know you will though." He grew bold.

[Y/n] laughed. "Yeah? And what makes you so sure?"

"For starters, i just saved your life. So I think you owe me now." He took that as his chance to finally let his eyes travel over her body. He wasn't even bothered by the fact that she caught him looking. Everything about her was intoxicating, no matter how much he tried he couldn't find a single flaw in her.

[Y/n] watched as he blatantly checked her out, in fact, she even took it upon herself to do a full 360° so he could get a better view. "If you wanted to look, all you had to do was ask." she teased.

Looking wasn't a problem at all. I mean, if you take pride in something then you should show that something off, shouldn't you? Well it just so happened that the young lady took pride in her body. So much so that she had no problem with him wanting to look.

"Woah," Deku couldn't help his small outburst when his eyes fell on...what was behind her. He tried to play it off, and pretend he wasn't even looking at it, but it was already deathly obvious.

"I caught you looking already, don't try playing it off now." She shot him a glare.

"Sorry. Sorry." He quickly apologized. "You're the one who turned around." He called her out.

She gasped dramatically. "Are you trying to call me an attention whore Izuku?"

Not fully hearing what she had said he quickly formed a response. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm-" Wait no.

Before he could finish, [Y/n] turned away from him and walked off.

Their goes her plans for the week. [Y/n] stormed off, not even bothering to hear him out. "That's not what I meant!" Midoriya watched as she walked away.

"Dammit." he cursed himself for slipping up like that. They were getting somewhere too, he could feel it. But no, he had to call her an attention whore for showing him her ass. What the hell is wrong with him. Sure, he hadn't heard what she was saying until after he agreed, but it was still his fault.

Deku desperately wanted to chase after her but he knew that wouldn't do him any good, and to make matters worse, he still didn't get her name.

Fuck it. He chased after her anyway.

[Y/n] saw the green-head trying to catch up with her so she started walking even faster. He had his chance, and she wasn't the type of girl to give out seconds. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't fast enough, or maybe he was just abnormally fast, nevertheless he caught up right away.

Deku stepped in the front of her to stop her from walking. "Im sorry?" he flashed an apologetic smile.

That's it? Im sorry? That's all he could come up with? "I don't forgive you," [Y/n] folded her arms around her chest, bringing Deku's attention to her cleavage.

He brought his eyes back up right away. "Well, what do I have to do to prove that I'm sorry?"

She thought for a while. She didn't forgive him yet, but she was hungry. "Buy me lunch?" This Midoriya person seemed like a pretty well off guy, so she was sure he has some change to spare on a good cause, which was a sad girl's stomach.

She saw the hesitation in his eyes so she continued to butter him up. "Or are you not as sorry as you claim to be Izuku?"

Deku was backed into a corner. If he told her no, that would only make him look like even more of a jerk. He had no choice. "Yes, I am very sorry, whatever your name is."

She rolled her eyes at Izuku's sudden passive aggressiveness. 'Whatever your name is.' She began walking in the front of him, signaling him to follow. "My name can be whatever you want it to be buddy."

"Buddy?" he questioned. Did she just...demote him, or something? Or was that simply just him making progress.

He didn't want to ponder on it too long so he started analyzing the other contents of her statement instead. "Your name could be whatever I want it to be?"

"Yes." she clarified. "That's what I said."

Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, he caught up to her a little bit, so they'd be walking side by side. "In that case your name is Midoriya."

"Oh?" she hummed. "Is that not your name though?" [Y/n] played dumb.

"Yeah, but i don't mind sharing," he continued with his attempts at flirting.

[Y/n] laughed to herself. He knew nothing about her, not even her name, yet he still agreed to take her out. What if she was a villain, or worse a serial killer. "Do you flirt with every girl you met not even an hour ago?" She mused aloud.

Izuku froze and she took that as her chance to continue. "So it's true then? I'm not special," She placed her other hand over heart to fake offense.

It wasn't true at all but Midoriya decided to play along with it regardless. "Yes, but I don't buy them food. So you are special."

"What about you? Do you always go out with guys you met an hour ago?" Deku shifted the blame.

"Oh wow," She didn't expect him to be so sharp on the mouth.

"I take that as a yes." Midoriya pressed on. So I suppose I'm not special."


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