Part 5

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-Y/ns POV-
I turn over to my side cuddling a pillow, pulling it closer I feel it...hug me? I open my eyes and see Bokuto smiling down at me. "Morning y/n! How'd you sleep? Good right?"
I blink once. Twice. Three times before I jolt up "Bo what time is it!" I try to get out of the bed only to be tugged back down. "Bo we have school!" I struggle against his grip and he only tightened it.
"It's not time yet. Do you not want to cuddle with me?" I look up and see his dejected face. 'You manipulative little puppy' I sigh and give up.
"Dont say it like that Bo, of course I want to cuddle with you."
"Hey hey hey now we're talking!" He pulls me in closer and buries his face at the crook of my neck. I rub his back and run my fingers through his relaxed hair. I zone out for a bit until I feel his breath fan across my neck making me shiver.
"What was that for?!"
"I said what do you want for breakfast, and it seemed like you were ignoring me" he huffs a bit and squishes my face. "So I had to do something."
I sigh and think for a bit. "Do you have f/f?"
"Duh" he gets up and stretches and I look around.
"Uh, two things. A. Why did you bring me up here? and B. Wheres Akaashi?" I ask and Bokuto gets off the bed and starts to take off his shirt. I quickly cover my eyes and turn around. "Bo you can't do that while I'm here!" He buttons up his school shirt and looks at me.
"Well you were sleeping on the couch and I couldn't leave you there. And Akaashi left after the movie ended, which you failed to watch so you owe me." He pats my head and I turn around facing a now school dressed Bokuto. I sigh and get off the bed and head to his door.
"Let's just get some breakfast, I'm hungry."
-time skip for after breakfast-
Bokuto and I wait around the corner for Akaashi to show up.
"Bo I don't know how your mom will react to you getting a duck"
"But y/n hear me out. You can be the mom and keep him at your house. I can be the dad and walk in like I finished a long day of work."
"Bo we walk home together and you have volleyball and I have to watch you"
"But y/nnnnnnnnn- Akaashi!" Bokuto waves wildly and I turn around and wave as well..just a lot calmer.
"Y/n. Bokuto. Good morning" he nods and we begin our walk to school.

-Bokutos POV-
I give Akaashi a glance and he nods my way. I remember last nights conversation like it just happened.
"Ok so how are we going to do this?" I ask after I step down the final step of the stairs.
"Well, you have the keys to the gym. And we have practice, we just need to distract y/n and you need to clean and quick with it" Akaashi says as he looks at the chap stick I gave him and uncaps it. He brings it to his lips and puts it on. I hear him give a soft sigh and cap it, putting it away in his pocket.
"Can't you distract her?"
"I don't know for how long, but what will be your excuse?" He crosses his arms and leans back into the couch.
"Can't I just say I need to grab something?"
"What are you going to grab Bokuto? You have to make it believable."
"Uh, my bag? I could leave it behind and grab it"
Akaashi nods his head accepting my answer.
"Fine, just don't mess up. We don't want you to get in trouble. Good night Bokuto." He gets up and leaves for the door. "Remember, clean and quiet."
We walk into y/ns and Akaashis class and stand by their desks. 'I wonder..will I actually be able to do this? What else does she keep in her gym locker? I wonder if it'll smell like her, I hope it does' my thoughts get broken off as I notice y/n waving her hand in my face and Akaashi saying something.
"Huh? Oh what?"
"Bokuto the warning bell"
"Oh! I'll see you guys later bye y/n! Bye Akaashi!" I bolt out of their class and head down to mine. 'I will be able to do it, I'll make sure I do good'

-Akaashis POV-
-after Practice-
'This better work' I look over at Bokuto and give him a silent nod and he sticks his thumb up. 'You got this Bokuto, I'll do what I can' I walk over to Y/n and watch her finish cleaning the floor. 'She's completely zoned out..what if- oh my' I take my phone out and quickly take a picture of her f/c panties peeking from her skirt. 'I'll send it to him later but for now.' I clear my throat and causing y/n to jump 'adorable'
"Oh sorry Akaashi you scared me" she rests her hand on her chest and takes a deep breath.
"No I'm sorry, I scared you. Anyway y/n I was wondering if you can help me with the English homework real quick, I'm just stuck on one question"
"Oh yeah of course!"
'Got her' I grab my bag and show her the empty question on the paper. "How would I answer this?" She goes on and I completely zone out staring at her. I already knew the answer but I had to come up with something. 'Your voice alone can put me at ease, please talk to me and only me....but Bokuto..' my thoughts get cut off when Y/n tugs at my sleeve.
"Do you get it now Akaashi?"
I nod my head and smile. "I do, thank you y/n" I put the paper away just as Bokuto came up to us with his bag in hand. 'Good job Bokuto'
"Sorry it took me a while, I forgot something in my locker and it got jammed"
"Oh I didn't notice you were gone"
She giggles and my insides melt. I look at Bokuto and I can tell it did the same to him. He catches my gaze and gives me a smirk. 'Oh?'

-time skip to after they drop y/n off-
"So Bokuto what did you get?" I say as I sit on my desk as Bokuto had already claimed my bed.
"I got some good stuff"
I watch as he pulls out her shorts, then dig in his bag.
"Close your eyes"
"Fine fine" I sigh and close my eyes.
"Now you get what you get and you don't throw a fit got it Akaashi?"
"Yes Bokuto"
I feel a soft fabric brush under my nose and land on my lap.
"Open them"
I open my eyes and turn red at the article of clothing on my lap.
"Is this-"
"Her bra, yes. But I get these" he holds up a pair of underwear and smiles widely. "You wouldn't believe how I felt seeing these. Like Akaashi I had to take a quick walk and..."
I've completely zoned him out as I stared at the sports bra in my hands. 'It's soft and' I bring it up to my nose and inhale 'smells just like her' I look up at Bokuto and nod.
"Good job Bokuto, this could lead to greater things."

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