Speed, I Am Speed

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"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down hotshot." I say as calmly as possible from the passenger seat of the car.
    "Sorry, sorry." Josie says as her fingers fiddle on the steering wheel.
    "All good, just take a deep breath and relax. This isn't supposed to be nerve wracking or scary. It's supposed to help you practice." I reply, but secretly I'm scared shitless.
I made a deal with Dr. Saltzman that if I can use his car to visit Parker and help her get all settled in, I would teach the twins how to drive. They've been bugging him for months now since they got their permit to take them driving, but he never does.
    Dr. Saltzman never saw the point in the girls driving. He was never far away from them, plus they lived on campus. He saw no point. But with all the begging and pleading he thought it would be nice for them to have their own little freedom.
    But right now it was Josie's lesson since Hope and Lizzie went with Dr. Saltzman to help out on a mission regarding Landon and Malivore. He went to go visit his birth mom and hasn't been back.
     Speaking of which she talked to him because he was one of the things she had to take care of before she gave us a chance. And it didn't go very well.
"Landon, I can't do this anymore. I don't think we should be together. It's nothing you did, I promise. I just need to be honest." she starts.
I was sitting a few lunch tables away from where Josie got up to talk to him. My super-hearing plays a big factor in being able to hear their conversation.
"Well what is she saying?" Lizzie asks, looking at you expectedly.
"That she has to be honest." I reply as Lizzie takes a bite of her sandwich.
With her mouth full she replies, "Oh shit is she gonna tell him about you two?"
I give her a funny look with the food falling out of her mouth, "Why am I friends with you again?"
"Because you love me." she says with a shrug.
You continue to hear their conversation, "There's someone else isn't there?" Landon asks, "It's Bentley, huh?"
She nods, "Yes."
"I should've listened to Raf. You and all your friends are bad news. I'm done with all of you!" Landon slams his lunch tray onto the table before storming out.
Lizzie holds back a snicker, "Damn. I don't even have super hearing yet I know that it did not end well."
Josie comes back over to the table, looking defeated. I took the chair she was sitting in and scooted it closer to me. She let out a soft sigh before placing her head on her shoulder.
"That didn't go well." she says.
    "I'm sorry love. I know you didn't want him to be too upset, but at least you're not lying to him anymore." I reply, kissing the top of her head.
    "Literally vomit in my mouth. There's so much love in the air it's disgusting." Lizzie replies.
    "You're just mad that your girlfriend isn't here." I shoot back and she throws a goldfish at the two of us.
The girls driver's test was in a couple weeks and they haven't practiced at all. So you need to get them ready and prepared before them. Surprisingly, Lizzie is the most controlled at driving.
    Josie, on the other hand, not too much. She was driving down to Mystic Falls, but all of the swerves in the road were difficult to control.
"Alright now we're gonna pull into this empty parking lot." you found yourself at the little league baseball fields.
Some place I found myself often with my dad. Because I thought softball was too girly. None of the dad's wanted me on my team so he became a coach and made his own team.
"We're gonna start off slow, okay?" I say to Jo, "The key is to start smooth and end smooth. We need to not press on the gas too hard and not slam on the brakes."
"Okay so, don't handle it roughly, got it!" Josie states nodding her head. "Well there's one thing I think you can handle roughly..." I draw out and she smacks my arm.
"BENTLEY RAE!!!!" she yells, putting her head into her hands.
I raise my hands up in defense, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's do this!"
Jo presses softly on the gas and it starts smoothly. Continuing to drive around the area in circles. With each lap we do the more she gets a hang of it.
"You did great today!" I exclaim as we switch seats in Dr. Saltzman's pickup truck.
    "Thanks! I think I just have a good teacher." she says nudging my shoulder lightly.
    "Probably," I say jokingly, "How about we finally get to go on a date tonight?"
    She looks at you taken by surprise, but a smile pulls at the corner of her lips, "I would absolutely love that."
Later that day
"So B finally got herself a date?" Jed asks.
Me and the rest of the boys were in MG and Kaleb's room. A controller in each of our hands as we played squads on Fortnite.
"Hell yeah I did!" I say, my eyes still glued on the TV.
    "Well what are you gonna wear?" he asks.
    "I have no idea yet. I have the perfect idea of what to do, but I have no idea what I'm gonna wear." I say with a shrug.
    "You need to figure it out. That is what's gonna make or break a first date." Kaleb adds on.
    "You know there's a lot of talking and not a lot of playing." I shoot back, my nerves already as high as they can be.
The four of you continue playing in silence besides the small chatter of letting each other know where the other players are. Until finally the four of us won with ease. And by our fourth game we have won each and every one of them.
"Hell yeah!" high fives go all around the room.
    "So B, what are you gonna wear?" MG asks.
    "I don't know." I say with a shrug.
    Kaleb looks down at the time, "Shouldn't you be getting ready? It's almost 7."
    I hit my phone to check the time, 6:48, "Oh shit!", I jumped off the bed in panic, "Okay uh I need your guys help! Jed, fill the pickup truck bed with pillows and blankets. MG, fill up a picnic basket with food and drinks, you're her best friend you should know her favorite food. Kaleb, wardrobe, I know you have a knack for style."
Everyone nods as we run to our respective areas and do our tasks. I fling clothes out of my closet desperately looking for something to wear. While Kaleb searches my drawers.
"How come I have nothing to wear?" I groan, throwing another piece of clothing.
    "You have a lot. You just think nothing's good enough. Now that's why I'm here to make you look amazing." Kaleb replies, looking at the stuff I threw on my bed.
He all of a sudden picks out a random outfit and finds the perfect one. It was a white turtleneck, a light blue wash denim jacket, and a pair of black jeans.
    Kaleb leaves the room for a second so I can change. I tuck the turtleneck into my jeans and throw on the denim jacket. Leaving my hair in my calm natural waves. I open the door for Kaleb doing a little twirl and he gives me a high five.
"You go B! Good luck!" Kaleb says as I make my way to Josie's door.
I knock on the door softly and she opens it, revealing her beautiful self. She was wearing my hoodie I gave her a while ago, a flannel over it, and a pair of jeans.
"You look beautiful." I say softly.
    "Thank you. So do you." she replies, closing the door behind her.
I extend my hand out for her to grab. She gratefully took it and intertwined our fingers together. I turn back to look at Kaleb who was giving a double thumbs up. We get to the pickup truck to see Jed and MG leaning against it.
"Have fun kiddos!" Jed says opening the door for Josie.
    "But not too much fun!" MG looks at me sternly, trying to protect his best friend, while opening my door.
    "Thanks guys! We'll see you later!" I reply, starting the car.
As we drive off I immediately hand her the aux cord. She smiles softly, plugging in her phone.
"I believe that you'll pick some good music." I say and she smiles sheepishly.
    "I got the perfect one."
The guitar intro to Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift started playing softly on the stereo.
"Oh yes!" I yell, turning up the volume and rolling down the windows.
We found ourselves in the middle of the woods next to a river I found when I ran wolf-style with Hope, last full moon night. The stars were beautiful and you could see them shimmer every so slightly.
    I opened the door for her and she stepped outside looking around. The breeze turned the freshwater into a mist. I hopped into the bed of the trunk and extended my hand for her once again so she could climb in.
    I look around the bed of the truck and see that Jed did a nice job. Pillows and blankets laid neatly on the bed. I laid on one of the pillows and gestured for her to lay down next to me. The music is still playing off of the radio.
"This is amazing." she whispers, looking around at the beautiful scenery.
      "You can thank the boys for that. I was running late and they helped out a lot."
Josie laid on my arm as it wrapped around her waist. Her head resting on my shoulder. We just stared up at the stars in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
"Are you hungry?" I ask.
      "A little." she says, sitting up from where she was previously sitting.
I opened the picnic basket to reveal a margarita pizza and chocolate covered strawberries. Wow MG really went all out.
"Oh my gosh! This reminds me of High School Musical 3! When Troy and Gabriella have a picnic in their room." she says with a huge smile on her face, "I'm sorry that's really dorky, but I just love that movie so much."
      "You don't have to apologize, it's cute." I respond with a soft smile and a blush forms onto her cheeks.
We spent the time talking and eating until there was only one chocolate strawberry left.
"Do you want the last chocolate strawberry?" I ask and she shrugs looking unsure, "Oh come on this could be the best chocolate strawberry on Earth and you'll never have a chance to try it."
       "Who's the dork now?" she asks as I quote the movie myself.
But she successfully plops the strawberry into her mouth. However, her lips pucker up and her face scrunches.
I laugh at her cuteness, "Sour?"
       "Mhmm." she says and I kiss the tip of her nose, "You're so cheesy." she says with a wide smile.
       "Then you'll hate this." I say extending my hand back out to her.
I connect my phone to the aux and play Can I Have This Dance? from High School Musical 3. We hop out of the truck bed and I smile softly as she wraps her arms around my neck.
        Her slightly shorter figure leaned against me as I rested my chin on the top of her head. Slow dancing to the music, just enjoying each other's presence.
        I beam at the girls in my arms with complete adoration. It may be too early to admit it, but she has taken my heart. Well perhaps, she's always had my heart. I just fought my feelings so hard that I am just now realizing it. Perhaps, it's always been her.
"That was super cheesy, but super cute." she says, poking my nose as we lay back down onto the truck bed.
We stare up at the night sky, still wrapped up in each other and the blanket. Jo tucked her head under my chin and clings onto me like her life depended on it. I don't want the moment to end.
        The cool breeze blows and I kiss the top of her head softly. The two of us are enjoying each other and our presence.
My phone rings softly and I groan softly before answering it, "Hello?"
        "It's past curfew Bentley." Dorian's voice echoed throughout my ears.
        "Shit sorry. We'll be right there." I respond apologetically.
        "Dorian?" she asks sadly.
        "Yup! Come on let's go." I say softly.
We drove back to Salvatore Boarding School in silence. I occasionally steal glances at her and smile shyly. I'm nervous, but I don't know why. I mean I've kissed Jo before, but I don't know this feels different.
"May I walk you to your door?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers.
        "Yes you may." she says with a small smile.
I step in front of her and I intertwine our fingers together. The two of us in front of her and Lizzie's room.
"I had an amazing time tonight." I tell her.
         "Best first date ever." she whispers and I chuckle.
I gently grab her face in my hands, I caress her cheeks. I slowly lean in and she does the same. Our lips connect and there are fireworks going off in my head. She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist. We slowly pull apart breathless and I place my forehead on hers, both of our eyes still closed.
"That felt like..." I start.
          "Fireworks." she finished and I could hear the smile in her voice.
          "You two are disgustingly cute, but can you please move? We've had a long day!" Lizzie's voice cuts in and we open our eyes to see the couple.
They had dirt and mud residue all over their clothes.
"What the hell happened to you two?" I ask.
          "Don't want to talk about it." Lizzie says, shivering in disgust, before making her way into the room.
          "We'll fill you two in tomorrow." Hope says with a soft smile, "I'm glad you guys had a great date."
          The two of us laugh at the couple, "Goodnight Jo."
          "Goodnight Ben."

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