Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics

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So he sympathized with Krinos over having to live with people that obviously seemed to be just as bad, or even worse, than his relatives. They were probably worse considering they were magical, so that meant they could torment Krinos and his sister worse than how the Dursleys treated him.

"Red had the power of earth manipulation, meaning that he could bend rock and stone to his will," Krinos continued. "Black was able to control shadows. The two actually believed that they were more powerful than anyone else in the entire family. I mean like they believed themselves to be the most powerful Gardna's in history."

"Gess, talk about egos," Harry pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Tell me about it," Krinos rolled his eyes. "They would constantly use their powers to torment Melody and me. We would have to place protective spells on our bedrooms to keep them from attacking us at night. Red once threw Melody off a cliff while we on a family hike and he caused an earthquake right under her feet. Black once created snakes out of shadows, venom included, and sent them after me simply because I grew a garden at the snap of my fingers."

"Dear Merlin," Harry swore. "Your brothers sound like the most insane people that anyone could ever meet."

"No one but their fellow prisoners will ever meet them now," Krinos said.

"What...What did they do," Harry was sure that he was not going to like the answer to his question.

"They were really jealous of Melody and I getting to be the heirs of the family instead of one of them," Krinos says. "As I said, they truly believed that they were the strongest Gardnas to ever be born into the family. It was a couple of weeks before my and Melody's sixth birthday. Our parents were going to start teaching us about how to be the best heirs we could be after then. Melody had been with Olivia and her mom during that afternoon while I had been with our parents. Red and Black hated that and they took their anger out on our parents."

"No," Harry's eyes widened in horror.

"It wasn't even accidental or emotional magic or them losing control," Krinos looked to be holding in his tears. "They did what they did because they wanted to. They killed our parents. They would have killed me as well if my magic didn't lash out in pain and anger. They were sent to Tartarus prison before they were even teenagers because even to this day, the prison guards still say how they are always trying to plan to escape for no other reason than to kill us."

Hearing leaves and other plants moving, Harry looked around. The plants were reacting to Krinos's emotions. They were wilting and turning dull and lifeless. It was definitely obvious to Harry that Krinos's powers were tied to his emotions and feeling so sad was causing all of this to happen.

But, Harry also understood why Krinos had told him that. He was opening up to him as a way to help make him more comfortable so that he could open up to Krinos. It was a very heartwarming gesture that Harry greatly admired.

Placing his hand back on Krinos's, Harry looked at him as the nature mage wiped the tears from his eyes.

"My life has always been about fighting for survival in a world that does not appreciate anything that I do," he said. "I've had to deal with possessed teachers, cursed broomsticks, giant spiders, mountain trolls, a sixty-foot basilisk, soul-sucking dementors, bullying teachers, mother dragons, psychotic mermaids, Death Eaters, and have dealt with Voldemort four times in the past."

"I know I've faced demons, but you are barely even fifteen," Krinos looked horrified. "You should not have faced all of that."

"Tell that to the people of this country," Harry scoffed. "One minute I am a hero that they want to save them from everything that puts them in danger, and the other minute I am the next dark lord that they need to torment and constantly beat down. Everyone around me is constantly changing their opinion of me based almost entirely on that rag known as The Daily Prophet and events that I have no control over. They hardly ever even try to actually ask if I have actually done anything. I have saved Hogwarts every year that I have attended and nobody ever cares that I do."

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