3. The Figgins plan (2/3)

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"Who told you that!?" He shouted at Figgins.

"Drop the volume!" Figgins said, motioning to be quiet with his hands. Like Ross did in that one Friends episode. "I won't tell you who, but I just want to know if it's true."

He looked down at his shoes, thinking about if he should lie or not. As he thought and thought, Figgins cleared his throat and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets from the seriousness in his face. "It is."

Figgins lips curled up into a discreet smile as he ran a hand through his luscious hair. "I like you too."

Mr. Schue's eyes locked with Figgins. They were both smiling at each other as they were passionately loving each other through their eyes.

"I need to go now." Figgins said, turning around to walk out, but stopping when he got to the door. "Meet me at my office after school, Honey-Bear." Figgins bit his lip.

Mr. Schue groaned lightly as he watched Figgins walk away with his hips swaying. He felt his pants tightening at the sight. It was hard to resist going to his office right away.

Did he really lie to Emma about what he felt for Figgins?

Ice, Ice, Baby // Mr. SchuesterWhere stories live. Discover now