It Ends Here

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Narrator :

After the warrior delivered the news of the attack, everyone filed out of the room into the palace court yard only to see utter chaos befalling the people,

Ash walked forward and immediately flew across the fountain only to shift mid flight.

Greece roared strong and loud into the air notifying every man, women and beast that the King had arrived and was ready to rest his wrath on the intruders who had not only invaded his territory but they disrupted the day that should have been the happiest day in the life of his mate.

in his heart he knew exactly what he was going to do to these bundle of filths, it was better imagined that said, the gods do so and more to him if he didn't make sure that no Intruder left his territory alive, with this promise in mind, he began running into the fields and those who were at the receiving end of his claws had no breath in them long enough to tell the tales of the after math.

Claire who had rushed back into the castle, clawed her dress into shreds and changed into whatever stood available, today she would. Make sure they regret making the choice of setting foot into her kingdom, that she would make sure of..

While the young queen Fought her way through, in effort to reach her brother, she was oblivious of the cruel cold eyes that watched her every move, these were the early hours of the morning, but somehow she still stood out in the midst of the darkness, he followed close by, all in search of a little loophole, a little distraction so he could take what was rightfully he's, he watched her fiercely but still elegantly dance around the field, he didn't like that she was exhausting herself but what could he do, he had forever to nurse her into perfect health so it was okay for her to have some fun with the half breeds he had as warriors, he didn't come here today to fight, no, he came to take his mate and walk away from all of them.

Hours had gone by and the battle was still raging as though it had just began, Everyone was beginning to get exhausted but they couldn't stop because it was them or the intruders.

Eventually Ash had fought to the edge of the forests because he needed to cut off their supplies, unknown to him the Witch who had taken it upon herself to ensure victory for the Griffins stood right around the corner waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to act.

Finally the time had come and her wait was finally over because standing right before her was none other than King Ashton, the Revered King of the North.

"Who are you? "
Ash had asked the strange looking woman who stood before him.

"Well. Well. Well.-"
She chorused walking taking creapy steps towards him
"if it isn't King Ashton in the flesh"

She chorused some more disregarding the king who had bared his canines to her but it didn't seem to deter her movement.

"One more step towards me and I swear by every living and dead God that it will be your last"
Ash warned hoping that this strange woman would love her life enough to back off, except she had other things in mind.

She smiled wearily at him then took one more step towards him

"let's see if you will still be revered after this"
With that she stretched her hands and before Ash could make a move The witch had already casted a quick spell that made it impossible for him to move. Thankfully he was quick enough to mindlink Beta Stan before whatever the strange woman did began to take root deep in his soul,

He watched helplessly as she stretched a soul sword and before he could blink she drove it straight through his chest earning an earth shattering howl from Greece who was now able to break free from her spell, Ash looked up at the evil woman who stood before him still holding the sword to his chest.

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