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      In the beginning of the existence of shifters, there were those species who thought themselves a bit more glorious than the others and the griffins were one of such races,  been able to fly and been gifted with telepathy and a few of them been able to  do magic was something that made them think they had become invisible,   they were hated above any other race and many sought their doom  hence   when the other races heard what had befallen them there was no kingdom that resisted the temptation of celebrating their downfall, the foxes went as far as throwing a bouquet to celebrate,  the dragon's paid extensive homage to their King for saving everyone the time of worrying about those vain creatures.

it was indeed a time the shifter community would never forget  

    Twenty years later, King Jerome who had left the South with a promise to return had been able to reunite his people, although they still couldn't breed new generations of griffins, they had gone as far as performing rituals that turned humans into one of their kind even if the process was an abomination before the gods,  as punishment for their actions the gods had made sure that the shift never completed, they were always stuck Mid Shift and Jerome had no qualms with that, as long as there were soldiers for the battle he was planning he was good.

        He had waited for those 20 years,  formed alliance with the human hunters whose obsession with hunting shifters had grown beyond measure,    he even succeeded in having a man in the northern castle since the arrival of the beautiful woman he would make his queen,   all he was waiting for was the perfect opportunity to take what was he's,   yes there was going to be a slight difficulty in executing his plans considering Nathan had invited every shifter old enough to fight but that wasn't going to stop him, instead he would create a diversion strong enough to distract everyone from the young Queen, that would be the perfect opportunity to take her home with him, she belonged with him and none other.

        Unknown to him, the gods were about to execute the "TWIN PROPHECY" and every man who stood in the way was going to experience their full wrath.

           Selene who had finally executed the second phase of the prophecy by crowning Claire as Queen felt the shift in the air,     it was time to end what shouldn't have been.

     With that She turned to Ashton and pulled him closer to herself and said :

    "It's Time Ash, whatever happens from this point on will determine whether or not you will become all our doom,  I'm sorry but even I can't help you at this point,   you must believe in yourself and your family, but most importantly you must believe in the Twins,   I will see you when the crown will be set upon the head of he who is found worthy,  I believe you will save us all today"

With that said she looked over at Claire and Aurora who were laughing at something Clayton had said,  she watched Claire smack Clayton at the back of the head earning a laugh and a groan from the both,   she smiled at them then she turned over to Nathan who already knew that this was the moment that would change everything, she nodded her head as an indication that he knew what to do,  he nodded in return then turned towards the twins,   

Selene looked up into the sky with a heavy heart knowing that the next few hours were going to either make or Marr her godson, she  looked around once more then vanished from the midst of the mortal realm into the midst of her godlike siblings who were equally watching the events that would unfold in a bit,    They were equally bothered by Fate's refusal to tell them the outcome of the next hours, they had concluded that it might turn out positive considering Claire's Vision,    when they had come to this conclusion and began relishing in a little bit of relief,  Fate had made a rare appearance to them and told them that what Claire had saw was only a mere possibility in the midst of a million other possibilities, it wasn't set in stone because even he for the first time couldn't Weave this into time, he couldn't set the conclusion in stone because for the first time they all had to depend on the power of three mortal beings and the love of a beast for his mate., this revelation had put the realm in absolute distort, surely they couldn't sit idly by and watch things go wrong, it was time to activate the Powers of the Twins of destiny.

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