Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"What am I going to do Chelsea" Amira said between sobs "that poor little girl left behind and mother is probably torturing the other one right now, and it's all my fault"

"it's not your fault it's the laws of this land, they are unfair but if you hadn't bought that girl someone else would have. The girl is one of the lucky ones, she will have you as a mistress. Chelseas comforting words did nothing to ease Amiras guilt. She looked around her room again and it all felt so wrong. Why should she get all of this and that girl in the dungeon had nothing and now she had lost her family too.

Amira knew if she became Queen she would ban slavery but it was unlikely that was going to happen. Aralia her older sister was destined to be the next Queen and she had been well trained by her mother. Her first slave had tried to run away and Aralia had beaten her herself untill the poor girls injuries were so severe she could no longer work so she had been disposed of. Since then Aralia had aquired a great number of slaves and each had been thouroughly beaten at some point and none lasted very long. Amira and her younger sister Atalia had hated the way slaves were treated and Atalia finally ran away from home unable to face it anymore.

I need to see her Amira had decided and I also need to find a way to rescue her sister and free them both. If only she new where Atalia had run away too they could join her, no one had managed to track her down yet.

Amira waited till the castle was quiet before leaving her bedroom. She took the cold remains of her dinner and wrapped them in a napkin and picked up a couple of blankets from her wardrobe. The dungeons were scary and Amira had never ventured down there on her own before. The shadows played with her imagination and a few times she nearly went back but the thought of the frightened slave kept her going.

Finally she reached the cell, peering through the window she saw the girl huddled in a far corner her head tucked under her. She hadn't noticed Amira. Amira shuddered when she saw fresh wounds on the girls arms and blood droplets on the floor of the cell. She picked the key up from the hook on the wall and let herself in. The girl noticed her and tried backing away further. "it's ok" whispered Amira "I won't hurt you, I just thought you may be hungry and cold" Amira put the food and blankets down next to her walked away. She didn't want to stress the girl out with her presence. She didn't blame the poor girl for being scared of her and knew she would have to work hard to build up her trust. She hurried away from the dungeons and back to her bed.

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