Set in stone

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It's not like I meant it

Its all set in stone

My feelings I have for you

Are too over grown.

With each day that passes

I start to wonder why

Why are you acting like this? I just want to cry.

Would you treat me right? Bring the light to my eyes? Or would you turn me into something that people despise.

The pain love causes hurts so much, you start to wonder why I cringe at your touch.

I'm a withering rose, petals that blow away in the wind. Black and charred on each piece of my skin.

I'm a broken piece of glass, that shows a lot of my past. Held together by sticky glue, getting stomped on by you.

I have no value anymore, you've taken that away, the only thing you couldn't take was what I thought in my own brain.

But slowly you've started changing that too, and now I need new glue. My colors have faded into the dark, I feel as though I'm dying as we part. Eventually though a new day will start, and my love will belong to a new heart.

I'm so fragile I feel I could break, and its terrible that you could cut me like a piece of cake.

When I look into your eyes I should have known, what your doing to me is not okay and all ties have been blown.

You've burned your bridge at the very start, burned the bridge that led you to my heart.

Don't you dare ask me what's wrong. You knew how to play the game all along.

My hearts in a box

Rotting away with every tick of the clock.

Three words, I love you are no longer a thing, you made that very clear when you broke our glass rings.

This is my final goodbye

I hope or well no, maybe you should cry.

You hurt me a lot, that's how I know what we had was real, but in the end it's all branded by a wet seal.

~really sucks but I just started writing, hope you like it anyways. Comment down below what type of poetry you like, and what your favorite poem of mine is!~

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