Chapter 11; His Eyes

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"Damn," Levi faltered, adjusting his grip on (Y/n). "Hange's Squadron isnt back yet."

Levi whipped around, running toward the horses, who were spread out around the grass terrain. Only one person was there, ensuring that the horses didn't take off.

"Captain Levi?" They said as Levi ran up to him. "What're you doing here?"

"Helping her," he huffed, lifting (Y/n) off his back after untying her.

With the help of the other Scout, they both managed to lift her up onto a horse. "I-I'll take her back," The Scout promised. But (Y/n) weakly lifted her  arm up to Levi, barely able to see him.

"Don't... Leave me," she rasped, her eyes squinting in order to see his face.

Levi hesitantly grabbed her hand with his. "You're a nuisance..."

He threw his leg over the horse, sitting up in front of (Y/n).

"Sir? What're you-"

"I'll take her, you need to watch over these horses anyways," Levi insisted. His dark hair swayed gently in a passing breeze.

"Are you sure?" The cadet asked, his eyes widened.

"Yes, im certain," Levi assured him, (Y/n)'s face resting on his back. The horse had begun to trot forward, and (Y/n) held her breath.

"This is going to be another bumpy ride, sorry," Levi gazed over his shoulder at her. His eyes were surprisingly gentle.

(Y/n) softly whined, her stomach whirling with shooting pain.

Please... Dont let me die here.


Dust whirled up and around the two of them as the horse came to a halt. Levi lifted her off the saddle, carrying her bridal style as she mumbled words in a desperate attempt to not faint.

"" She managed to speak. Her eyes were gazing up at his, and although her vision was blurred, she could see him looking down at her as he carried her to the infirmary.

Her vision then cut out, a world of darkness spreading out before her. She couldn't help but pass out from the stabbing sensations throughout her body.


Soft glimmering moonlight sparkled atop a wooden cup with a handle of silver.

Warm white bedsheets were sprawled over (Y/n)'s body. She attempted to sit up, but her ribs creaked with every  movement, causing her to thump back into her pillows.

"Take it easy," (Y/n)'s eyes flashed over to the corner of the room. "Oh, Levi..." She awkwardly greeted.

"Why am I in the infirmary...?" She asked, her mind a bit hazy. She held her hand on her head, trying to sit up again.

"Hey, I told you to take it easy," Levi's voice spoke seriously as he walked up to her bedside. "You've got some broken ribs, you shouldn't mess up the healing."

"Yeah but..." Then her mind cleared, and it all came back to her. "Wait, broken ribs?" Her eyes met with Levi's, his same old shallow eyes that rarely held any emotion were squinted slightly. Right now, (Y/n) still saw nothing in his grey-blue eyes that were tinted with moonlight.

"... That titan," Her body shivered thinking about what it had done. "It-"

Levi silenced her. "It's best not to give any attention to the memory," He suggested, his white shirt gently folding in the draft from the window behind him.

(Y/n) sighed. "Right..."

"I'll let you get some sleep, goodnight, (Y/n)," He parted ways with her, stepping toward the dark colored door.

Something about being left alone... Scared her. She rarely had fear of anything, but for some reason, she found herself desiring Levi's comfort.

"Wait," she abruptly spoke out, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around, his eyes locked on hers.

The white curtains that covered the window swayed lightly in a soothing rhythm.

"Can you... Possibly stay here with me, just for awhile at least?" 

Levi widened his eyes, then looked down at the floor.

"I apologize but... I have work to do," his answer was somewhat disappointing to her, but she only dipped her head in response as he left the room. There was no need for her to beg him, the best thing to do was let him go.

He had work to do.

(Y/n) lightly chuckled at the image of Captain Levi Ackerman having to do work. It didn't really suit him. Then again, he did always have a neatly stacked tower of papers on his office desk. 

Resting her cheek on her pillow, she watched the stars twinkle outside the window.

And soon enough, she was asleep.

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