Chapter 3; Savior

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"This is the end."


"...No, actually, its not!"

As the Titan lunged for her, she dove away from it, rolling painfully over the concrete and brick paved road.

(Y/n) pulled out her blades, slicing off a finger as the titan attempted to grab her. Yet, to her dismay, she stumbled over her own feet and fell on her back. "Argh...!"

The titans face closed in on her, it's breath rotten and foul. (Y/n) yanked her arm upward, plunging the blade into the titans eye, screaming in desperation and fury. She rolled over, scrambling to her feet. She pulled her sword out of the eye of the beast, using it to create another wound in the side if it's face. Steam shot out from every injury, regenerating quicker then expected. "Shit!"

(Y/n) gave up on fighting. She needed to run!

She turned away from the abnormal, pelting down the street and into an alleyway. She hid herself, steadying her breath.

"I'll wait for it to lea-"

Stones crumbled to her feet. The abnormal had leaped after her, barreling into the buildings that sheltered her. Her heart sank as it came after her once more. This time, there was no escape.

She braced herself for the sharp jaws to rip her in shreds, but all she saw was a figure flash across it's nape.

"Are you okay?"

It was levi, who had titan blood all over his clothes. He sighed in disgust.

"Yeah, t-thanks!"

(Y/n) hadn't realized how scared she had been. Swallowing her fear, she steadied her breathing. "I'll get going-"

She stopped suddenly, eyeing Levi who stood atop the rubble of the fallen buildings. His hand was out, gesturing that he was offering to help her up.

Of course, she took his hand. "Thanks, again."

Levi only gave her a final glance before shooting off with his ODM gear. "I should hurry and gather more supplies," (Y/n) sprinted off, leaping up and into the air. She flew quickly around a corner, her hair wishing in every direction. She carefully avoided every titan she could, entering yet another home from the window.

"Ok, time to finish this up."


Horses neighed in unison as the squadrons returned, cantering slowly as they neared the wall. (Y/n)'s satchel was stocked full of supplies, and she felt a glimmer of pride. A small group of people stood near the gate as they headed back, whispering about them to eachother. (Y/n) brushed off their nasty remarks, keeping her cool.

Sometimes, simple civilians had an impact on soldiers mental health, alongside fighting titans. But (Y/n) refused to let it get to her. There were more worrisome matters to pay attention too. Giving into anxiety and degrading words wasn't an option as a Scout. You're job as a Scout was simply to defeat the titans and keep people out of harms way. Of course, that's how it was for (Y/n).



(Y/n) brought the towel up to her face, drying off the water from her cheeks. She had just finished washing her face, trying to make sure she cleaned every last bit of blood. She turned away from the sink, her hands gripping it from behind her as she leaned backward.

This world had so many tales, and each person had their own to tell. It's crazy, though, that in this world, everyone's was nearly the exact same.




She was sure they'd be told in everyone story who resided within the walls. Which was a sad thing.

Yet, she couldn't help but feel that certain people had their own scenarios of this world, stories that could send more chills down your fingertips then the sight of a 15M titan.

(Y/n) finished drying off her face and walked back to her room, shutting the wooden door softly behind her. She could faintly hear the crickets that chirped outside. She sat on her bed, the cold sheets soothing her skin.

It was a crazy thought, that if Captain Levi hadn't shown, she may not have ever experienced such comfort ever again.

The very thought of it was awful.

Oh well.

(Y/n) laid back onto her back, drifting off to slumber.

The crickets still chirped, serving as a song that lulled her to sleep.

Hiraeth || Levi X Reader ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon