Chapter 59: In The End

Start from the beginning

         That was his advice to him back then, and when time passed by and sees how Donghae isn’t doing anything, he was worried... but now seeing Dara cry for him, he knows Donghae still has time and the chance to win her. She clearly still loves him, and GD hopes they get back together now. He loved Dara so much and he wants her to be happy. Donghae is her happiness.

         “Ya Dara...” Se7en calls out while rubbing his hand on Dara’s back. He just arrived and took the seat on the steps, beside her, while Bom stood there opening the water bottles for her to drink. “Uljima....”

         “Se7en-aa... I miss him... I super miss him...” the crying Dara says, her eyes were fearfully red. “I miss him...”

         “Then why did you run off earlier? Why didn’t you just hugged him when you were sitting next to each other?” Bom asks, thumping her feet. “Did you talk about anything when you were outside?”

         “No...but I hugged him, because I miss him” she sniffs. “He hugged me back”

         “Oh then that’s good. Then what are you crying about?”

         “I miss him but I’m mad at him too. I don’t want to see him anymore, but I really want to” Dara whined like a little lost kid. Confused with her feelings, didn’t know what to cry about exactly.

         Se7en laughs, giving her a handkerchief to wipe her tears with. He laughs to the fact how this couple makes a simple thing be so complicated. He pulls out the invitation that’s peeking out of her chick bag and shows it to her. “Go to the wedding and talk to him”

         “Aniyo... I don’t want to” Dara says, pushing his hand and the invitation away her sight. “Why should I be the one to come to him, it’s him who should come back to me”

         “How stubborn. Both of you” Se7en hisses, glancing at Bom. “Do you want to be with him or not? It’s your time to fight Dara, fight for him... If he can’t find the way, show him... Just the way when he has become your light and he showed you how to love again”


         “Ack! It’s cold~~~” Donghae exclaims his body shaking after getting out of the water. “I’m heading off. This is crazy”

         He went to the tanning bed and pulls out a towel and wraps it around his shoulders.

         “Oh come on! We’ve been swimming for hours now, and you’ll whine now?” his members protested. Now that they’re down with one member how can they continue playing basketball in the waters.

         Donghae glances at Kyuhyun who was disinterested to play with them because he was glued to playing Pokemon on his PSP. “Ya sub!” he threw towel at him.

         Kyuhyun didn’t say a word, he just waved his hand and continued to be isolated in his gamer world.

         “Aishhh... no more! We’re not playing anymore” Yesung complained.

         “You guys are such killjoys, why are we in jeju if you’re not going to have fun?”

         “Let’s play something else. Touchball...” Kangin suggested, throwing the ball towards sungmin as the first target.

         The wedding week quickly came. In that fall season it is ideal to play golf and have a breathe of that breezy air that blows on the hills. But instead, the Super Junior have thought of going swimming instead, despite the weather being quite chilly.

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