Chapter 3

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Luckily this morning Percy wasn't awaken by Clarisse yelling at him to get up. So he was happy for a moment but then he remembered what was happening.

During breakfast Percy wondered what was going to happen today, whatever happens could decide how this whole war was going to turn out.

He was so zoned out he didn't realize Grover was talking to him

"Percy? Percy! Finally I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes!

"Hey Grover what's up?"

"Hurry up and finish eating it's almost time for that meeting! And did you tell you cabinmates that we're leaving today?... oh wait you don't have any" Grover said

That made Percy laugh for the first time since he got here.

Once at the big house Percy realized that something felt different. But he couldn't figure out what.

Then it hit him it was quiet, no arguing, no Stolls getting yelled at for a prank, no Clarisse being Clarisse, and no Annabeth trying to organize everyone. It was dead silent.

They all just waited there until Chiron finally came and started talking.

"As you all know we're leaving for Manhattan today."

"Not all of us and probably not the spy" Micheal growled.

"Umm Micheal you realize that the spy probably would want to come to see how we're doing in the battle right?" Nico said.

Micheal had no response.

"Let me try this again" Chiron said "as you know most of us will be leaving for Manhattan today, the ones that aren't will protect camp. We will set up our camp by the Empire State Building and protect it. Now if no one else has anything to say you can go and make your final preparations."

No one said anything. Once out of the big house Percy decided to see if Grover could answer any of his questions.

"Hey Grover, do you know why Annabeth joined Luke?"

"Sorry Perc I have absolutely no idea"

"Oh... do think anyone else will join Kronos?"

"Honestly I don't know I guess we'll just have to wait and see"

"That conversation was no help at all." Percy thought as he walked to his cabin.

A couple hours later_________

Percy was on the way to Manhattan in one of Camp Half Bloods vans.

"So how do you guys feel about all this?" Will asked trying to make conversation.

No one said anything.

Finally they got to there destination.

"Umm guys I think we have a problem" Kayla said nervously

"Kayla for the last time losing an arrow isn't a problem" Austin Lake said.

"Not that Austin! That" Kayla pointed a couple miles away.

Percy looked over and saw an army. Kronos's army.

Instinctively everyone readied there weapons but then came a surprise.

Turns out it wasn't an army just Annabeth, Thalia and a few monsters.

"We come in peace" Annabeth said "I just want to talk to Percy."

"Um... okay I guess" Percy stammered

As he followed her he could hear the other campers whispering in nervous voices. Finally Annabeth stopped behind a building.

"What do you want?" Percy asked

"To answer your question, why did I join Luke"

"Wait your gonna give me an actual answer?"

"Gods your such a Seaweed Brain"

That comment gave Percy a little hope like maybe he could still convince her to come back.

"When Luke came to try to convince people to join him. He talked to me and Thalia told us about how the gods just were going to use us as puppets, doing there dirty work, always having to worry about monster attacks. He showed us what it would be like if Kronos ruled."

"So just like that you joined him? I thought you were a Wise Girl why would you join him so quickly?"

"No Seaweed Brain" Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Luke told us he would give us 2 days to decide. I went back and forth, until finally I decided to join him. You see you could join us to, not have to go worry about monster attacks , you won't have to be the gods puppet."

"Oh so this is just a way to get me to join is it? Well what if you come back to the gods side? I mean the gods have there flaws but I feel like there better than someone who ate his own children!" Percy argued

"Oh you think your gonna get me to join you that easily? Well think again, I only came here to tell you why I joined. But the only way I could was by saying I would try to convince you to join us."

"Well I'm not gonna join you no matter what you tell me"

"Oh that's such a shame. Well I hate to break it to you but I don't have time to listen to your reasons of why I should join you again. I have a war to prepare for, speaking of that you can try to convince me to join you on the battlefield."

"Let me guess your gonna try to get more people on your side"

"And if you think that's not fair try to convince some of our warriors to join you."

Annabeth walked away leaving Percy there with his thoughts.

Finally he got up and went back to the group ready to prepare the camp

But little did he know things were going downhill over by the Empire State Building.

Ok I know I said this chapter was when the battle would start but I wanted Percy to talk with Annabeth before the battle😅. I promise in the next chapter the battle will actually happen. Am I doing good so far? Do you like the story?

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