Chapter 2

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Percy was asleep when suddenly he heard banging on his cabin door and someone yelling

"get up Prissy! The camp is being attacked! Seriously punk wake up!"

Once Percy realized what the person was saying he got up as quick as he could and grabbed his pen

On his way out he wondered who woke him up and then realized it was Clarisse she would never miss an opportunity like that.

He ran to Half Blood Hill where he heard fighting. And almost got shot by an arrow once he got to the top.

"Sorry" Kayla Knowles shouted "I can't tell who's on which side"

Percy looked around at the chaos that was going on hoping to find a familiar face.

"Took you long enough punk" said Clarisse "now come help us"

Percy ignored Clarisse still searching for the face he was looking for. Then he spotted her.

Annabeth was fighting one of the Stolls. So much was going that Percy couldn't tell which one.

He fought his way to her and then when he finally made it Conner Stoll backed away and went to go help his brother do gods know what.

"Percy" Annabeth said "haven't seen you in awhile. Decided to ignore what was going on here and pretend everything is normal?"

"Annabeth why did are you doing this? I thought you were on the gods side?" Percy shouted over all the noise

"Well I was but then Luke showed me what the gods are really like and gave me a place beside him Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said angrily

Percy couldn't think straight after what she just said. Right when he was about to say something Thalia ran up to them.

"Come on Annabeth, Luke wants us to come to him" she said. Then Thalia spotted Percy. She didn't say anything to him, just glared at him.

After the encounter with Annabeth Percy didn't know what to do so he just fought.

Finally Luke decided to have the armies back down so they could get ready for the final battle.

They spent the next couple hours sharpening there weapons and healing the wounded.

Luckily there wasn't that many injuries and none of them where severe.

After dinner Chiron called a meeting for some of the campers.

When Percy walked into the big house he noticed it wasn't the normal head counselors, but a random assortment of campers.

He saw Will Solace, Connor and Travis Stoll, Malcom Pace, Katie Gardner, Clarisse La Rue, Kayla Knowles, Jake Mason, Selina Beauregard, Grover Underwood, Micheal Yew, and Chris Rodriguez.

"Your all probably wondering why your all here" Chiron said "well as you know we have lost many people this past year including Beckendorf"

(I know when Beckendorf died Percy was with but just pretend it was someone else)

"And even more people are joining Kronos" Clarisse said

"And no one is doing anything to stop them!" Katie said.

"Katie if they want to join Kronos then we have no choice but to let them" Chiron said.

"Let them join Kronos and have to fight them! Kayla said "that doesn't seem like a very good deal to me" she grumbled.

"Can you all calm down for a second?" Chiron asked " I didn't call you all here to discuss if we should try to convince people to join Kronos.

"Sorry Chiron" everyone said

"Alright so the reason I called all of you here is because I want you guys to help me figure out what our next move will be in this battle."

"Well Kronos is probably going to want to get to the Empire State Building so I say we should try to protect that area." Nico DiAngelo said coming out of the shadows and surprising everyone.

"That's a good idea Nico. But just to be sure it's our best does anyone else have an idea?" Chiron asked

No one said anything.

"Percy? Clarisse? Silena? Will? Chris? Kayla? Travis? Connor? Katie? Anyone who wasn't invited to this meeting but is here anyways?

Everyone just stared at Chiron not saying anything.

Chiron sighed. "Well Nico I geuss where going to Manhattan, we'll leave tomorrow morning. While I have you all here I probably should tell you guys something else."

"I have gotten news that there is a spy at camp. They are said to have a bracelet with a scythe charm"

Everyone gasped A spy at camp?

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was Clarisse." Micheal said "especially since the Ares cabin isn't fighting with us. It's a surprise she even let them help fight today."

"What? The Ares cabin isn't fighting in the war?" Percy asked very confused

"You've missed a lot Perc. I'll fill you in after the meeting" Grover said.

"Clarisse being the spy is absurd Micheal!" Silena said "she may not be the nicest person ever but that doesn't automatically make her the spy!"

"Everyone calm down!" Will said "we don't know who the spy could be. For all we know it could be Chiron! Even though that is very unlikely."

"Exactly Will" Chiron said "it could be anyone of us and we don't want to jump to conclusions. But I think this enough talk about this for now. Everyone go tell your cabins the plan and get some rest. We will meet again in the morning and leave for Manhattan at noon.

So this chapter was longer than the first one but I just got so many ideas. This is really just going to be the Last Olympian but rewritten. Sorry if it's been kinda boring I'll get to more exciting parts soon :) (also I had to add Kayla and Clarisse into this because I love them so much there some of my favorites)

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