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"Now that the rice is ready, we put them in these bowls. I found some furikake at the store, so naturally I grabbed some too" I laughed. He was full of amazement as I mixed the furikake in with the rice. I walked over to him and held out my hand for him to grab. "We need to wet our hands for this part" I spoke. He nodded at me, grabbing my hand softly. I placed the bowl of water in front of us and we both put our hands in it. "Now we rub our hands with some salt"

I showed him how to do it and he began to focus so hard on it. It was really cute and made me smile from how serious he was. "Now this part is tricky , but we grab some rice and we make them into a triangle shape" I spoke. I started to demonstrate by grabbing a handful of rice and tossing it around to make the shape. His mouth dropped seeing me do it so fast. "I want to try!" He said excited. He grabbed some rice and tried to make a triangle, but it really was not working out.

I began to laugh at his struggle, and pulled his hands in mine. "Like this..." I spoke softly. I guided his hands with mine and his face turned red. Once I realized what I did, I quickly let go and my face turned hot. "Sorry.... I shouldn't have done that" I said nervously. "No! Don't be sorry.... look! I did it" he laughed. My eyes widened and I looked at how nice it came out. "That is great! Keep doing that while I get the grilled salmon I brought" I spoke. He nodded and continued to make more of the rice balls.

"You do that, while I stuff them" I spoke. He nodded determined and began to slowly make more rice balls. I took one of the others and began to stuff it. I held the rice ball between my palms and compressed it a little to finish off the shaping. I placed that one to the side and continued to do the other ones that Feliciano made. "This is fun! I can't wait to try them" he cheered. "Yeah! I think these will taste great, because we made them together. Team work is the best work" I smiled.

I suddenly felt myself stop what I was doing, and I stared at him as he made the rice balls. His hair looked soft and his eyes so kind. For some reason I began to imagine what he would look like in a field of flowers. I had never been this way before and I know I wouldn't dare tell him how amazing he was to me. My head tilted and I imagined how great he would look if he were to just be in the sunlight running with that smile of his. His dear smile of his that made me smile earlier.

"Kiku?" He voice spoke. I quickly snapped out of it and looked at him a little embarrassed. He was staring at me concerned. "Are you alright?" He asked. I quickly stood up straight and nodded quickly "yeah! I must have dazed off!" I spoke nervous. Feli began to chuckle and he stared at me sweetly "you had a goofy smile on your face.... I was wondering what you were thinking about" he laughed. I quickly turned away from him and began to work on the other rice balls he made. "Just hungry I guess!" I said nervously.

Once we finished shaping them, we added the strips and I sprinkled some sesame seeds on the tops of the ones we made.  "Finally! All done" I said relieved. We both sat across from each other and he picked one up. "The moment of truth" he spoke. I watched him slowly eat it and once I saw the smile on his face get wide I knew I did good. "These are great!!" He cheered. I nodded and began to eat one as well. For awhile, we continued to talk and eat the rice balls , and it just made my heart flutter and body feel hot.

"Alright!!! Let me get you a change of clothes so you can relax. You can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the sofa" Feli spoke. "Are you sure?" I asked concerned. He nodded and pulled me to his bedroom. "Yes of course! I will get you some clothes to wear for now and you can change" he explained. Thank god I took a shower before coming here. Feli went through his drawers and took out a shirt and shorts. "Sorry if they aren't really your style...." he laughed nervously.

I held up the shirt and looked at what said on it "I love pasta?" I spoke. He laughed nervously and tried to look away. "They were giving them out for free at this convention... naturally, I just had to get one for myself" he tried to say. "It is fine, I do not mind" I smiled softly. "Well.... I'll just let you change.... I'll be out in the room" he laughed. His face was beat red and he quickly removed himself. I felt a little confused to why he was so nervous but I'm sure he just did not want to scare me off maybe?

I smiled about it and began to quickly undress. I held this shirt over my head and put it on. The scent of him was wrapped around me and I had never wanted to scream so much in my life. It smelled like him! It smelled just like him! I was sure being wrapped in his blankets later tonight will be even better. The shirt was a little big but it was fine. I finished getting dressed quickly and opened the door to his bedroom once more. "The clothes fit fine" I told him. I gave him a thumbs up and he continued to stare at me with a reddened face.

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