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"So, when did you learn Italian?" Feliciano asked me. I looked at him nervously and scratched the back of my neck. "The same day I found out I was coming here" I explained. "Ahhh... when was that?" He asked. "Three days ago...." I answered. He looked to me shocked and began to smile. "Wow.... you are a fast learner.... which languages do you know?" He asked amazed. I felt my face get warm as I looked at him. "Uh.... Japanese... English...mandarin.... Korean... and now trying to learn Italian" I answered. His face lit up and he grabbed onto my shoulder.

It started me a lot that I couldn't help but move away at his touch. "Oh? You don't like touching?.... my bad!" He laughed nervously. "I was just going to say that I know Italian, English, and french and some German... I guess being around all these different languages, you have to pick up" he added. "But since you know English, I don't mind speaking in English to communicate? If that will make it easier for you to talk" he explained. My eyes widened and slowly started to bite down on my lip. I was nervous..... I did not want him to force himself to speak English.

"Now, what would you like to see first?" He said in English. I looked at him shocked as I listened to traces of his accent. He sounded really nice when he spoke English, and I did not want to leave him hanging. "Uhhhh..... I'm not sure... but the buildings are really nice" I spoke. He closed his eyes to smile at me and I felt warm in the inside. "Oh!!! You like architecture!! I know where we can go" he cheered. Feliciano grabbed my hand softly, and started to pull me gently towards a direction.

"We can just walk there, it isn't a far walk" he spoke. He let go of my hand and I continued to follow him in the direction he was going. He seemed like such a carefree guy, he smiles so much and seems so happy. I must seem like a tense , serious person to him. I looked to him and he stretched his hands over his head, looking up to the sky. "So what's it like in Japan? Do people still wear those traditional clothing?" He asked interested. I lifted a brow and shook my head. "Well... in some parts people do, or on special occasions... but mostly everyone dresses modern"

"Wow, that sounds cool. I wouldn't mind going to Japan" feliciano smiled. "I am sure Europe is way more exciting" I spoke. He thought for a moment and shrugged his shoulders "it's normal.... just as you live anywhere else, it just becomes a normal. Nothing new going on , but Asian countries are so cool! With good food" he smiled. He was silly, good food was all he liked? "You seem so happy... so I'm sure Italy and Europe must be peaceful" I spoke. He looked to me and tilted his head. "You think I seem happy?" He asked.

I nodded my head and he looked away from me, chuckling. "Well that's a nice compliment" he spoke softly. I continued to follow him and it seemed like he was thinking about what I was saying.  "So where exactly are we going?" I asked. He looked back to me with a smile and spoke " the Roman theater ....It was used for all kinds of plays and shows" he smiled. My mouth made an o as I looked at him "that sounds really cool"

"So ... let's get to know each other, are you seeing anyone?" He asked. I jumped at the question and got nervous. "Not really.... I'm trying to focus on my career" I answered. His smile grew sweetly and he nodded "oh? What do you do for a living?" He asked.  I began to scratch the back of my head and answered "a book editor.... I mostly work with novels but now I've been open to manga!" I said nervously. The way he smiled at me was honestly so intimidating. How could anyone be this happy? Maybe he was just raised to be this happy? Or maybe it's an Italian thing?

"Wow!!! I'm not really seeing anyone right now, and you pretty much know what I do for a living" he laughed. "It is cool that you work with books.... " he spoke. We continued to walk for a bit, until we ended a street away from the theater. "There it is" he said. Feliciano pointed towards the theater and urged me to follow him. We continued to walk for some time , until we entered the actual area.

"Wow! It is really beautiful here" I spoke. I quickly took out my camera and began to take pictures of everything. "Will you take one of me?" I asked. Feliciano nodded and took the camera. I stood near the front of the theater by the water and gave him a thumbs up. "Ready!" I spoke. I was very excited at the moment that I could jump ! "Give me a smile!!!" Be cheered.

"A smile? With a pose too?" I asked. I held up the peace sign but he looked at me nervously. "I think your posture is happy but your face screams seriousness.... maybe a small smile?" He asked. I nodded giving a thumbs up. I wasn't really one to smile all the time so the one I did was not the best.

"Uhh.... now it looks like you are nervous" he spoke. I quickly rubbed my face and tried again "how is this?" I asked. He moved the camera from his face and looked worried "uhhh.... now it looks like you are in pain" he said worried. Damn! I was bad at this!!! "I know!!! How about just leave out the smile and give a thumbs up or peace sign" he suggested. I felt happy in the inside because I didn't have to keep trying. "Is this good?" I asked.

He smiled at me a little, and then began to take some pictures. "You look great!!" He cheered. My face felt warm and my heart felt happy..... it made me happy to receive that compliment.

Thanks for reading so far 💖💖💖💖💖

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