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BLA bla bla

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BLA bla bla... Talking more shit about john lennon. BLA BLA BLA.

How can someone be homophobic when they're gay ? Ugh so dumb ( this is  a joke don't kill me. Y'all remember right ? Yoko said the both of them are bisexual )

This is why I hate it when non beatle meme page post beatles stuff, comment section always going wild with how john beats his wife.. bla bla bla politically shit guy Bla bla bla.

John that. John this. BLA BLA BLA. Yeah can we talk about ringo for once ?? Hmm ?? No we can't. Cuz the fucked up one is only john fuckin winston ( ono ) lennon.

Yeah I'm sorry did you smartass forget about the fact that our precious little baby ringo ( not a sarcasm. He is our precious little baby ) ✊👊🤜 barbara ??

Or how about the fact that Joj, pol, n rings cheated ( john too lmfao we all know hmmm )

Yeah shut up~ bla bla bla thinking that you're oh so high and mighty~~~

Nah you're just being the lowest scum ever really... Doesn't necessarily bring anything other than hate towards you.

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