Cracking Knuckles

Start from the beginning

Tails, Blaze, and Penny stared at the green emerald inside the experiment case that Chuck owned for experiments.

"So, a Chaos Emerald!" Penny smiled. "Does anyone know where they came from or how they work?"

Tails shook his head. "No one knows much except that they're really powerful."

"That's true." Blaze smiled.

"I hope my analysis reveals something about its makeup." Grandpa said.

Footsteps were heard from downstairs. Then, banging on the entrance of Grandpa's room.

"I know you're in there!" Ella's voice came up. "You haven't let me clean this thing up for so long, I'm issuing a dirt alert!"

"It's Ella! Blaze, Tails, hide!" Penny cried.

Blaze and Tails quickly looked around, panicking. Then they plopped on the couch and acted like stuffed animals. "Good. Now stay there!" Penny thought as Ella opened the latch door to the bedroom.

"I'd thought I'd find you here, Penelope." Ella said, one hand holding the vacuum, the other hand on her hip.

"Where's Christopher?" Ella asked suddenly.

"Uh... he's playing with his friend?..." Penny gulped nervously. That was true. Danny had asked Chris to spend the day with him, and Chris happily went over.

Ella looked around, and started vacuuming. "Keeping this room dust free is losing a battle." Ella grumbled. "Not that I'm complaining, but it's like trying to vacuum a dirt road. I..."

She paused and turned towards Tails and Blaze.

She brightened, but didn't notice that Chuck and Penny had horrified expressions.

"They're so precious." Ella commented. "Are they your toys?"

Unsure of what to say, Penny muttered, "I'm taking care of them...."

"Ah! They almost look real to me!" Ella looked back at Tails and Blaze. Blaze moved her tail by accident and Tails moved his eyes towards Ella. "Oh!" She exclaimed.

Penny grabbed Blaze and Tails in her arms, and Chuck relieved Penny of Blaze. "I think I'll go outside and play!" She smiled nervously.

"Uh, me too!" Chuck followed her outside.

"Tails, Blaze, that was a close call!" Penny giggled.

"We sure fooled her!" Chuck grinned.

Sonic looked down at them from the pavilion from up above. "Can't I nap in peace?" He complained.

Penny continued laughing, with Tails on her shoulders, when she bumped into someone.

Mr. Tanaka.

"Miss Penny, what, may I ask, is going on?" Tanaka asked his charge. She gulped, and Tails and Blaze quickly flopped down as dolls. They were already running, so it already looked like they were toys being flopped around. So, hopefully that would pass....

"Uh, we were just playing, "Capture the Stuffed Animal!" Penny started laughing. With Tails still on the girl's shoulders, she turned around. "Eh... bye...."

Chuck, who was trying not to laugh, walked forward towards the door. "I think I'll...." 

"Sir. While I recommend your desire to stay fit, I would stick to adult sports like bowling." The butler said, stopping Chuck from going anywhere. 

Chuck humped, handing Blaze to his granddaughter. "You can't tell me what to do. I'll play ring around the rosy if I..."

Mr. Tanaka stood in his way again. "Perhaps you should slow down. Rest is important. I believe it's time for your nap." The butler twisted Chuck around and pushed him towards the house, despite Chuck's protests.

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now