“Why don’t you just go to sleep?” I asked in an aggravated tone before giving up and sitting down with her in my lap, “What is that smell? Ugh!”

I got up to grab my supplies: diaper, wipes, garbage bags, bandana, and gloves. Once I got everything I laid it across my bed and after I got the gloves on I went back for Kelly. I laid her on the bed on top of a garbage bag and tied the bandana around my face. “Alright, let’s do this!” I said trying to be enthusiastic. I pulled her pants off and undone the diaper one side at a time. “Ugh!” I said as I ran to the bathroom. When I got back Kelly was laying on the other side of my bed and was covered in poop. “Holy shit!” I yelled as she started crying, yet again. I grabbed her and put her back on the garbage bag. Gagging the entire time I wiped her down and got a clean diaper on her. I wrapped everything, including the sheets and comforter on my bed, in the other garbage bag and sat it outside the bus door. After that I had to make another trip to the bathroom.

“What are you doing now?” I asked her as I came out of the bathroom and saw her playing in the Cheerios that were completely dumped out and everywhere. “I just give up! I can’t do this! You are going to sleep!” I said as I grabbed her cup out of the fridge and sat down on the couch with her on my lap.

“This is just the stupidest shit I have ever watched,” I said as I watched Bubble Guppies on the TV which was entertaining her, but it wasn’t much longer and she rolled over to lay her head on my chest. Moments after that she was sound asleep. I really need to clean this mess up, but I can’t move. I flipped the TV to SportsCenter.

I must have dozed off because I woke up by having my balls smashed like pancakes by Kelly’s little feet, “Fuck!”

“Don’t you dare talk like that in front of a child! Or anyone for that matter!” Momma scolded me.

“When did you get here?” I asked her.

“I just got here. What happened?” Momma asked me as Kelly clung to my neck.

“She happened,” I told her pulling her off my neck and sitting her next to me.

“Well, you go clean your face off and then you can tell me everything,” Momma said to me

“What do you mean clean my face?” I asked as I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, “Oh my God! There is shit on my face! Ahhh!!!!”

“Calm down! You are scaring her!” Momma yelled at me when Kelly started crying.

“Mom! I have shit on my face! I have every right to be pissed!” I screamed from the bathroom.

“You better watch your mouth!” Momma said loudly over Kelly’s shrieks.

“I really don’t give a shit right now!” I shouted as Kelly quieted.

“Thomas Luther Bryan, you better get your butt in here right now!” Momma said sternly.

I knew I was in trouble. I just couldn’t do this anymore. The shit on my face is the last draw.

“What?” I said rudely as I walked towards her plopping down on the couch.

“Don’t make me get loud, Luke!” Momma exclaimed.

“About what? About the fact that Whit left that little terror on my bus last night? About the fact that she has shit all over my bed and destroyed everything? About the fact that my life is spinning out of control and there’s nothing I can do to stop it?” I snapped.

“Don’t you cop an attitude with me, son!” Momma yelled at me, “And if I ever hear you talk about your child the way you just did, so help me God, Luke, I will jerk a knot in your tail so hard you will feel it in your throat! You are going to be the responsible man I know you can be! Now you get off your lazy butt and start cleaning! NOW!”

Forced to Grow UpWhere stories live. Discover now