Chapter 1: It's just a joke. Right?

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Beginning note: I am writing this with no real date in mind, so just bare with me. It will be a time during Covid-19 though. Also, I am so sorry if I get details wrong. I'll try my best :)

"Oh Dreammmmmm" George slyly says.
Dream immediately perks up and un-deafens on discord.

"Yes george?" he asks softly, trying to not awake patches from her sleep. She looks so peaceful laying on his lap.

"When are you gonna join the server? You're taking forever!" George whines.

"Yeah dude. We need your help making this XP farm" Sapnap chimes in.

"Ok fine. But you guys are responsible for Patches having to wake up" Dream says. This time, not as softly as before. This always seems to happen. Patches loves sleeping on his lap, so he never gets much done.

"Finally" mumbles George.

"What was that I heard? I mean, I could always just ban you from the server ya know" Dream let's our with a little chuckle.

"You wouldn't dare" George says. Dream can hear George's smile through the mic. It's something he has picked up on throughout their years of talking online.

"Oh my gosh! Would you two stop flirting and just join the freaking server! I'm getting lonely and people are waiting!" Sapnap bursts out.

"Alright! Alright I'm on!" Dream laughs. He doesn't forget the words that Sapnap had said though.

Would you two stop flirting

Dream dusted it off and just remembered it was a silly joke. It always was. Wasn't it? To be fair, the two were always like this, on and off stream. It had become a big joke. Dream and George would just joke around, and Sapnap and all the others would make fun of them for it. It's not like it made him uncomfortable, it just made him think.

It's no big deal. Just drop it already.


The stream went by quickly and before they knew it, Sapnap was saying goodbye to his stream.

"Uhm, so yeah! I will see you guys sometime later this week. Buh-bye!" The screen on Sapnap's twitch goes black for a second and then an icon appears showing that he is hosting Karl. "Ok guys! stream is all done. That was really fun!"

"Yeah! We actually did really good! I'm so excited for my stream tomorrow. We can do so many cool things. What do you guys think?" George ecstatically says. Sapnap answered suggesting they do some speedruns or some more things on the SMP. "Dream? Hello? Are you on deafen again?" George softly speaks.

Dream looked up from his phone and realized he hadn't even been listing. " Oh. Sorry. What did you ask?"

"I asked what you think we should do for my stream tomorrow. Sapnap said maybe some speedruns or some more on the SMP." George said quietly, almost as if he was hurt that Dream hadn't been listening. It was fine though, because he wasn't hurt. Right?

"Ok. Sorry again. I like that idea. I have to do some things with Tommy on his stream though, so can we start a little later? I won't be long." He knew George and Sapnap would understand. Tommy was a pretty big part of the SMP right now, and they knew that.

"No problem. I guess I understand." George mumbled.

Why did George sound mad? He knew it was business and we had just spent a while together on Sapnap's stream. It wasn't like George. Dream left the call just a couple minutes later. Needing to clear his mind, he layed in his bed, snuggling with Patches.


Dream's room was quite dark, considering it was 11pm, so when his phone went off, he instantly saw it light up. He walked over, wondering who it was. When he reached for his phone, he was surprised to see it was a text from George.

"hey dream"

"hey gogy. what's up?"

"can I call you?"

"sure :)"

The second he said sure, Dreams's phone started ringing. He almost didn't answer, because he was scared George was mad at him. What was he thinking? He had just said it was fine if he could call him.

"Hello?" Dream answered.

"Hey Dream." George's voice was shaky.

"What's up? Are you alright? You seem... scared."

"It's my parents again."

George had told Dream about his parents fighting just a month ago. He had found out when Dream heard George's parents fighting in the back of a Discord call. George was embarrassed at first and denied it, but after a little while of Dream slowly nudging it out of him, George finally just let it all out and told him everything. Well, at least Dream thought he told him everything.

Word count: 777 words

Authors note: Hello! Thank you so much for reading this first chapter! I hope you all continue to stick with this book.

I'm planning on making it around 18 chapters that are around this length (about 1k words usually). I plan on putting the word count at the end, but if you guys don't want me to, I won't.

I don't have a publishing schedule, but I'm going to try to post a chapter every one or two days, but I will keep you updated!

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