Mew: You are sleeping there I will ask the driver to pick you from there in the morning....

Gulf: you won't come....gulf voice sounds too low.. I am mew I am ..gulf has tears in his eyes and his voice is also shaking but he tried to hide it and tried again to finish his sentence...when a servant came...sir mink mam is calling you in her room...
I will talk to you is calling me..

Gulf: Mom you called everything all right? Where is dad...??

Mink: hello gulf come sweety sit here.....I can see how sad you are coz of me...but he is like this...he doesn't like coming home...and I am sure he is not going to come.....but don't worry I am here to cheer you..mink touched gulf thighs...

Gulf: no mom I am fine....I think I need to go...

Mink: I am trying to help you gulf...we can help each other one is here mink removed his stole she was wearing a very seductive dress.... Touch me I am sure you won't disappoint.. .... I liked you the day I saw you... gulf please help me..keit cant understand the need of this body...

Gulf: mom please leave me...please stop...

I know gulf mew don't love you..he doesn't care about you that's why he didn't come....he is a spoiled brat he needs someone new every day to warm his bed...but I will never ditch you....Mink pushed gulf on the couch and try to open his trouser...

Gulf slaps mink and leaves the room are disgusting...

he runs towards his room... reaches his room in anger...he sits to take a deep breath...he was in confusion about what to can she do such things....he gets on his senses and tried to call mew...but he heard a voice...

Keit: gulf comes out...

Gulf: dad...what happened??

Keit: I never thought you to be so dare you to touch my wife...

Gulf: what?? But I didn't do anything she was the one...

Keit: shut up...mink told me you tried to rape her ..and our servant confirmed that...

Servant: yes sir I went there to give milk to mink mam and I saw him trying to rape her and when he saw me he runs to his room....

Gulf: what??? No dad I didn't...both are telling lies she is the one who tried to seduce me...

Keith: what the hell.... Keit grabs gulf's collar.... but stop by hearing a loud voice...

Mew: dad....

Keit: everyone looked at the owner of the voice....better you came, Son...Keit told him everything....I am telling you gulf apologize and get out of my house and my son's life now.... else no one will save you from my anger...

Gulf: looked at mew...mew I swear I haven't done gulf has tears in his eyes.....he stopped in between his sentence.... looked down why will you believe me....gulf looked to Keit I haven't done anything and I won't apologize...I swear I haven't done anything...

Keit: you bastard Keit tried to slap gulf but someone holds his hand....

Gulf looked up he saw Mew is between Keit and him....

Mew: Mr. Keit suppasit...if you dared to touch my husband I swear ....I will forget that you are my dad....

Mink: Mew how dare you...?? Your bastard husband tried to rape me and you are defending him...

Mew: listen to me very carefully you bitch.....I won't hear a single word against my husband.....if you ever try to raise your voice against my husband .... I will grab your hair and throw you out of this house ....don't test my patience, you know your husband also can't control me.....and how could you forget whom you are accusing...... he is Gulf Mew suppasit don't even think that he is alone...and you can try any cheap games with him...

Keit: mew, did you forget all your manners...she is you mom....behave yourself...and your husband tried to...

Mew: first if you marry any prostitute low graded bitch that will make her your wife, not my mom husband can't even think of raping someone... the attempt of raping is just out of the question...

And let me prove this right here right now....

Author's Note

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Also please read my other 5 books and give them your love and support

Love Stories

I hate my husband

I hate my Husband 2

I love you My Doctor

In love With my Secretary

In love with my secretary 2

I Still Love You

My Brother's husband.

I HATE MY HUSBAND 2 (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz